Discipline: Computer Science- Python

Python and SQL queriesPython and SQL queries

1. Basic codes of Pythonin which average codes which includes if, elif, else, list(appending slicing, deleting ,inserting),dictionary(lengthfunc, clear, upadete etc),loop, while loop,   2. Basic codes of sql queries in which alter commands create table edit table(add row,delete row or column, change data type,describe structure..etc) Need to make 30 questions and answers using above codes. Need […]


  Assume the variable x has been assigned a floating-point value. Write a statement that uses the print function and an F-string to display the value of x rounded to 1 decimal point, with comma separators. For example, if x is assigned the value 123477.7891, the statement would display: 123,477.8


Addressing the Business Question (SQL Analysis) Congrats on becoming a business analyst! Your database has been designed based on your requirements. Now it’s time to answer your business question: Are wedding vendors with sustainable practices more cost effective? Analysis Requirements (Jupyter Notebook) Introduce the problem and define key terms 5-10 sentences At least one credible […]

Due 12/9/23Due 12/9/23

   ** Due 12/9/23 NEED 3 HOURS TO TURN in 3 Pages No Plagiarism*** On March 24, 2021, Governor Ralph Northam signed a bill into law that repeals the death penalty in the Commonwealth of Virginia.  This is your opportunity to express how you personally feel about the legislation. 3 PAGES on the legislation.  Please […]

python business casepython business case

Now it’s time to answer your business question: Does price positively effect customer satisfaction? Analysis Requirements (Jupyter Notebook) Introduce the problem and define key terms 5-10 sentences At least one credible source for each key term defined Answer the business question 5-10 sentences Make sure your results are statistically significant Provide your top two actionable […]


take some time to describe (in your own words) how social work research may be helpful to you in the future 250 words

Unit 3 AssessmentUnit 3 Assessment

  For this unit’s assignment, think of an organization that needs a website (or one that needs one to be modified). This does not have to be a real client. In a Microsoft Word document, address the questions below. What is the name of the organization? Does the organization have a current website, or is […]

Two new methods courseTwo new methods course

   I will compare the life and music of Duke Ellington also known as the Ambassador of Jazz, I will explain and illustrate the impact his music had on people from all cultures during his time of performing in the 1900’s. Works Cited Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. Duke  Ellington. 20 May 2022. 19 July […]