Discipline: Computer Science


Explain the relationship between entities / attributes and tables / columns. Discuss why understanding the theoretical concepts during the design process is an important facet of successful database implementation.


The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an organization that promotes standardization of things like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). There have been multiple versions of HTML that developers and browsers have had to learn and adapt to over the years. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardization.

Deliverable 3Deliverable 3

In this project deliverable, you should develop the 10 functionalities proposed in deliverable 2 in MS Access, and turn in the following files: 1) The updated project proposal (Word document) which has the same five sections as before. Copy my comments from the deliverable 2 and highlight any changes you made from the previous version by turning […]


ch-7 Disney is grossing more over time because the p-value is positive. Disney is grossing less over time because the p-value is positive. Disney is grossing more over time because the p-value is negative. Disney is grossing less over time because the p-value is negative. Disney is grossing more over time because the coefficient is […]

Write a paper for me on topic ‘Impact of Cultural Differences on Cybersecurity Practices’. Just use the context below to write this paper, no need to use extra content.Write a paper for me on topic ‘Impact of Cultural Differences on Cybersecurity Practices’. Just use the context below to write this paper, no need to use extra content.

Introduction: Use multiple articles to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of cybersecurity threats. Different articles may focus on various aspects such as recent cyber attacks, emerging trends, or statistics. Cultural Diversity in Cybersecurity: Use different articles to define and discuss cultural diversity in cybersecurity. Each article might offer unique perspectives on how […]


Now that you have an understanding of what research is all about, take some time to describe (in your own words) how social work research may be helpful to you in the future. 

Writting a reportWritting a report

I need a repor in (Applications of data science and statistics )report should be content of ) tittel, author, introduction about topic,previos research review, research metods, research results, safety focus of the research, conclusion, recommendations important graphs , important tabels, appendieces, critiques (your opinion , advantages , disadvantages, strength, weaknesses)