Discipline: Computer Science

Term Project Deliverable 2Term Project Deliverable 2

Building on the ERD developed in deliverable 1. The group will continue to work on the project and turn in the following files (with new requirements highlighted in bold text): a) A MS Word document that contains the same five sections of the group proposal (no individual proposal needed). Include my feedback for deliverable 1 and highlight any […]

IT policy and strategyIT policy and strategy

  You are working for a national clothing chain. Several of the buyers have been having a lot of problems obtaining well-designed reports from your organization’s sales and marketing departments on their activities by state over the past year. They want to be able to create reports as needed and access them anytime, anywhere. The […]

Research Paper on DNA computingResearch Paper on DNA computing

the research should include speculation on where the state-of-the-art will be in the near future for one of the following technologies. the paper should include a description of the state-of-the-art in your technology, a discussion of where the sources that you read believe the technology is heading in the near future, and a discussion of how […]


Lab: Due by Nov. 2.  Final: 1st attempt due by tomorrow, if needed 2nd attempt due by Nov 5th. Please forward the compensation requirement! Packet tracer download link:  email for link below:  [email protected]. Password:  4Juanita$Gurl https://www.netacad.com/portal/resources/file/2f266f85-7223-4bd3-9f66-5c2620d0e092

project managementproject management

  Part 1.  Read “Appendix A: MS Project 2016”. Part 2. Research 3 other project management software tools (include at least 1 smartphone or tablet app).  You should find information about the pricing, features, and usage of each. Part 3. Answer the following questions in a short paper: What functions and capabilities does project management […]