Discipline: Computer Science


  SQL for Joining Data Complete the Analyzing Unicorn CompaniesLinks to an external site. DataCamp course. Deliverable Upload your completion certificate as a .pdf file.


At the end of your textbook on page 385, the author mentions several “encouraging security architecture developments”:    The Open Group has created an Enterprise Security Architect certification. One of their first certified architects has subsequently created a few enterprise security reference architectures.    The SANS Institute hosted three “What Works in Security Architecture” Summits.    The IEEE […]

Chapter 13Chapter 13

What does a peer review process look like? When does an assessment require peer review? Who should perform the peer review? Answer the questions with an APA-formatted paper (Title page, body and references only).  Your response should have a minimum of 500 words.  

Gnatt ChartGnatt Chart

  This is the first of a series of five sequential assignments (the course project) in which you will act as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of a hypothetical, e-commerce start-up company of your design. A venture capital group has funded this innovative start-up. The CEO has given you 90 days to deliver an information […]

5-4 Draft of Training Manual Section Three: Intrusion Detection5-4 Draft of Training Manual Section Three: Intrusion Detection

Overview The next part of your training manual will focus on intrusion detection and prevention. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a network security technology originally built for detecting vulnerability exploits against a target application or computer. Continue the development of your training manual with an overview of the assigned topic and a summary of […]

Computer Science 5-2 Lab: Intrusion Detection Using Snort: Network Security Fundamentals AssignmentComputer Science 5-2 Lab: Intrusion Detection Using Snort: Network Security Fundamentals Assignment

  Log in to InfoSec to complete the labs below and take screenshots at the steps below: Setting Up The Sniffer – Step 27 – Wireshark Showing TCPDump Capture Detecting Unwanted Incoming Attacks – Step 14 – Output from Alert.IDS Detecting Unwanted Outgoing Traffic – Step 32 – Wireshark TCP Stream of Traffic Between Victim and […]