Discipline: Computer Science

5-1 Discussion: Network Access Control Scenario Discussion Topic5-1 Discussion: Network Access Control Scenario Discussion Topic

All Country Insurance wants to upgrade its network protection based on a string of recent breaches. The chief information officer (CIO) boasts that his business network has never had security issues and already has a properly configured firewall. All Country has a number of field service representatives selling various insurance policies that require different levels […]

5-1 Discussion: Incident Response Plan Discussion Topic5-1 Discussion: Incident Response Plan Discussion Topic

  Incident response is an important component in a security awareness program. While not all incidents can be prevented, incident response capabilities can promptly detect and reduce the losses resulting from security attacks. In September 2014, Home Depot stated that over 56 million credit cards had been compromised in a five-month cyber-attack on their payment […]

TCP attack in Linux UbuntuTCP attack in Linux Ubuntu

7 Submission You need to submit a detailed lab report, with screenshots, to describe what you have done and what you have observed. You also need to provide explanation to the observations that are interesting or surprising. Please also list the important code snippets followed by explanation. Simply attaching code without any explanation will not […]

Computer Science Practical Connection AssignmentComputer Science Practical Connection Assignment

 Provide a 750 word (or 2.5 pages double spaced) minimum reflection. • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. Must have all required APA components: cover sheet, references as needed, and others. • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. • Demonstrate a connection […]


   Please answer all the questions from this document. https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-science/cryptography

Computer Science Governance of Enterprise IT – AssignmentComputer Science Governance of Enterprise IT – Assignment

IT Governance plan: > What suggestions for additional elements, processes, or technologies would you apply to your current organization? By doing so, what would you achieve? > Create and provide an end-to-end implementation plan and process of IT governance for your organization. > List at least two possible obstacles you might face while building or […]