Discipline: Computer Science

Unit 2 DiscussionUnit 2 Discussion

  Too often, statistics are used to ‘prove’ some point or to persuade an audience to some particular point of view, without really being accurate, complete, or honest. This issue has been the subject of numerous texts. You may be interested in reading such titles as: Damned Lies and Statistics, or How to Lie with Statistics. To […]

IT527 Unit1IT527 Unit1

  Research some common issues with data formatting, transfer, and manipulation. In APA format, write 3 paragraphs describing some of the issues you learned about. Describe why such issues might represent a problem for data analysts. Cite at least three sources in APA format. .


  Consider firewall placement on a network. There are better placements and some that can actually negate the benefit and purpose of adding a firewall to the network. What advice can you provide that would benefit a cybersecurity analyst if they were tasked with network security.

Computer Science 2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Proposal Introduction AssignmentComputer Science 2-2 Final Project Milestone One: Proposal Introduction Assignment

The CISO of the organization reaches out to you, the senior information security officer, and tasks you with creating an agency-wide security awareness program. He states that he will give you all of his support to complete this project (remember, this is the first component of security awareness program). He hands you a security gap […]

Computer Science 2-4 Draft of Training Manual Section One: Traffic Analysis AssignmentComputer Science 2-4 Draft of Training Manual Section One: Traffic Analysis Assignment

Overview You work for Strategic Security Consulting Group (SSCG). Recently, one of your clients in Los Angeles, North Star Software Developers (NSSD), called with a big problem. Some of its network servers were compromised, resulting in the possible loss of personal information and credit card numbers of purchasers of the company’s software products. It is […]

2-1 Discussion: Business and Technical Requirements of the Security Awareness Program Discussion Topic2-1 Discussion: Business and Technical Requirements of the Security Awareness Program Discussion Topic

Gathering requirements and collecting data are important elements in learning about the organization’s security posture status, and as input to any proposal or action plan for improvements. There are many methods of collecting data and information. After reading the article Setting the Course PDF on www.pmi.org about gathering and analyzing project requirements, write an initial […]

deliverable 1deliverable 1

Requirements : MS VISIO AND MS ASSESS  The group project requires you to develop a database application to solve a real world data management problem. The entire project consists of three deliverables: 1) a project proposal describing the nature of the problem(s), the proposed database solution to the problem(s), and the associated ERD. 2) An […]