Discipline: Computer Science


Part one Discussion  In this discussion, you are going to research Vigenere Cipher. Use the Vigenere Table to encrypt the message using the key ORANGE:   Hard work always pays.  Now use the same key, to decrypt this message: Oktnio ok dncr Instructions: Ignore all cases and punctuations Do not encrypt or decrypt spaces Post your […]

proposition 8proposition 8

  In order to complete assignment #1 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #1). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research […]

sentence completionsentence completion

Though it seemed that Director Robert Altman had firmly established his artistic reputation with the nomination of “Nashville” for best film of 1970,the 1979 film “Quintet” ,perhaps the——of his career, earned him only the—–of the critics. 1_continuation–notice 2_lowpoint–recommendation 3_nadir–disapprobation 4_climax–commentary 5_denouement–acclaim

Software PaperSoftware Paper

 Describe five separate software and submit the following information: Submission Instructions: Software Name: Category (System, Utility, or Application) Purpose: Describe what features the software provides, and why you would use or currently use the software. (Not all users take advantages of all software features.) Opinion: Your opinion of the software. You may use any word […]