Discipline: Computer Science


Complete a Neo4j Lab.  Please click on the following document to download software and complete lab.  Neo4j Lab Instructions.pdf Download Neo4j Lab Instructions.pdf  You will need to use this data file for the lab: Ch14_FCC.txt Download Ch14_FCC.txt. I’ve also attached a copy of each files in case it is not downloading.

Application serversApplication servers

  Describe Node.js and how it is used. Compare Node.js to other webservers and application servers: how is it similar and how is it different from other webservers and application servers?  You are encouraged to use diagrams to illustrate your ideas. Writing Requirements: 4-5 pages APA format

GRCA june 20GRCA june 20

COMPLETE LITERATURE REVIEW  the Literature Review includes: Introduction (6 sentences taught in this week’s lesson) Review of Literature  Analysis of Literature (use your EXCEL worksheet to compare and contrast what is the same and what is different among: WHY, HOW, and WHAT) For this submission: You will submit your completed Literature Review (all three sections) in a PDF document. YOU […]

Help with Developing data collection form for an Oncologic clinical data registryHelp with Developing data collection form for an Oncologic clinical data registry

Help with Developing data collection form for an Oncologic clinical data registry   Case Study The academic medical center begins building an oncologic clinical data registry. Jane’s case, and many like hers, are very instructive for training purposes. This multidisciplinary effort is led by the Oncology Department and is seen as a way to enhance […]

Discussion: Going ForwardDiscussion: Going Forward

The networking and telecommunication industry comprises devices, systems, and technologies that make communication over a distance possible. The initial years of traditional wired telephones are now a distant reality with today’s industry being defined by cutting-edge optical fibers, satellite communications, wireless communications, and the internet. To complete your initial post, select one of the following […]