Discipline: Computer Science


Educating users can be a formal or informal process. Formal methods are those that communicate policies in a formal training environment, such as a classroom or computer-based training (CBT). The advantage of formal training is that you know who’s taking the training, and you can measure, to some extent, its effectiveness. Answer the following question(s): […]

BIT-415 Team BacklogBIT-415 Team Backlog

 Using the “BIT-415 Team Backlog” template, create a team backlog using the features, user stories, and enabler stories developed in Part 1. Complete the template by the adding the estimate duration and priority for each user story. An example is provided in the template. 

data managementdata management

  Background In March of 2000, a local mountain-biking club (Mountain-Bikers for Life) was organized for recreational purposes in West Virginia. Through the years the club had many members come and go, but the club continued to grow in popularity. As some members moved to other parts of the country, they began to form their […]

ITS-630: Organ Leader & Decision Making – Week 4 Research PaperITS-630: Organ Leader & Decision Making – Week 4 Research Paper

Reading Resources: LE BA PHONG, LEI HUI, & THAN THANH SON. (2018). How Leadership and Trust in Leaders Foster Employees’ Behavior toward Knowledge Sharing. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 46(5), 705–720. https://doi.org/10.2224/sbp.6711http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=pbh&AN=129468910&site=eds-live&custid=s8501869&groupid=main&profile=eds_new CHANHOO SONG, KWANGSEO RYAN PARK, & SEUNG-WAN KANG. (2015). Servant Leadership and Team Performance: The Mediating Role of Knowledge-Sharing Climate. Social Behavior & Personality: […]

Discussion boardDiscussion board

  What are the implications of vehicle hacking for autonomous vehicles? Today’s vehicles have complex computer code and autonomous vehicles will have even more complex code. Do you think we will ever have widespread use of safe autonomous vehicles? Why or why not? One of the suggestions to improve vehicle security is for car manufacturers […]


1) a.What have researchers learned about the relationship between higher education and employment?      b. What have researchers learned about the prevalence of unemployment among college graduates?  2)  Found 3 or 4 RESEARCH ARTICLES using the method taught in the video in this week’s folder For this assignment, follow the directions CAREFULLY:  Step 1: Download the EXCEL […]