Discipline: Computer Science


  Select one of these major cloud service models: IaaS, SaaS, or PaaS. Describe key issues when configuring and operating security for your selected cloud service model. Be sure to support your response with examples based on your research and experience. Provide a full citation and reference

Cloud and Project ManagementCloud and Project Management

For Q1 and Q2 refer to the textbook: Cloud Computing by Dr. Kris Jamsa, 2nd ED ISBN: 9781284248203   Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning  Publication Date: July 14, 2022  Q1. In paragraph form, respond to the following statements:  Many businesses were initially fearful to place files into cloud due to the perception that files in the cloud were less secure. […]

Discussion boardDiscussion board

 Do you think that it’s important for digital crimes units to be careful when taking down DNS domains that are supporting cybercrime groups in order to minimize collateral damage? Do you think the extra cost to use passive DNS is worth it? 

Computer Science HomeworkComputer Science Homework

   Suppose you have recently responded to your first computer forensic incident. The case in question involves a potential underground hacking ring, which the police, working in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have been investigating for several years. It has since been determined that an IP address confirms that location, and the […]