Discipline: Computer Science

Computer Science HomeworkComputer Science Homework

   Expert Testimony Introduction You were the lead investigator on Operation Stop Hack and have now been subpoenaed as an expert witness in the case against the perpetrators. It is up to you to convey the complexities of the crime and evidence to the jury so they can understand the scientific procedures using in aiding […]

Computer Science Application Assignment: Online Fraud AssignmentComputer Science Application Assignment: Online Fraud Assignment

The majority of online fraud occurs through electronic communication. We receive emails daily that identify some type of phishing scheme or web spoofing, which can be deleted with a simple click of the delete button. But what happens when your personal information has been stolen through a third-party vendor’s technical error while you made a […]

Week 4 Red Blue teamWeek 4 Red Blue team

 Outline: For this exercise – please create the outline for your paper. The outline should include the following all in APA format: Title page with title, name date, class, professor, and university info. Top level headers which outline what you will be talking about in your paper. Second level headers (sub-headers) which outline detail for […]

computer architecture MAY 21computer architecture MAY 21

Chapter 2 of the Course Textbook (Performance Concepts).Search for an article that covered the course textbook chapter 2 (Performance Concepts), do onlineresearch using Monroe College online Library Databases or other sources.Note: In this assignment, only submit a summary of the Article in APA format.You must have short summaries under the headings but do not submit […]

Training Management Database System – projectTraining Management Database System – project

Project Instructions  • This project worth 14 marks and will be distributed as in the following:  a) Identify the entity types, attributes, keys.                        (2 marks)  b) Identify the relationship and cardinalities.                       (2 marks)  c) Draw the ERD.                                                                 (2 marks)  d) Schemas before Normalization.                                       (1.5 marks)  e) Schemas after Normalization.                                          (1.5 marks)  f) Create the tables. […]

Operating Systems ProjectOperating Systems Project

Description and Instructions: The deliverables of the project should include A report with the following sections:  o Abstract: summary of chosen problem. (2 Marks) o Introduction: a brief introduction about the chosen topic. These should be demonstrated using text and diagrams. (2 Marks)  o Background: a brief of the chosen topic (provide any terms or […]

ITS-630: Organ Leader & Decision Making – Week 2 Research PaperITS-630: Organ Leader & Decision Making – Week 2 Research Paper

Reading Resources: AKCIL, U., ALTINAY, Z., DAGLI, G., & ALTINAY, F. (2019). The Role of Technology Leadership: Innovation for School Leadership in Digital Age. ELearning & Software for Education, 2, 323. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=shib&db=edb&AN=135939718&site=eds-live&custid=s8501869&groupid=main&profile=eds_new Research Paper: This week’s journal article was focused on how information and communication innovation drives change in educational settings. The key focus of the article was […]