Discipline: Computer Science

.NET Questions.NET Questions

Consider a project that you have recently completed. What were some of the challenges that you personally faced while developing UI/API/DB/any others? Were you able to overcome those challenges and if so, how were you able to overcome them? At the same time, did you have to compromise or sacrifice anything in order to overcome […]

Computer Science IT505 assignment 6Computer Science IT505 assignment 6

Company Name: New-Trust Bank, Dallas TX The bank is helping companies to do online transactions with the customers who hold their credit cards (New-Trust Bank Credit Card). The Bank has a headquarters in Dallas TX with 300 employees. FDIC regulations require that  Banks must keep customer information (including contact, identification, and transactions) for five years […]

IT501 discussion 6IT501 discussion 6

400 words APA FORMAT WITH CITATIONS discussion topic: How do ERP CRM Systems generate forecasting analyses of product consumption based on critical variables such as geographical area, season, day of the week, and type of customer, identify particular customer needs and then utilize this information to suggest specific product campaigns? ____________________________________________________________ Please support your position with […]

Cloud Computing, SaaS, and Business Systems RolesCloud Computing, SaaS, and Business Systems Roles

1. Describe cloud computing as well as its benefits and disadvantages. Explain three cloud-based solutions for individuals and three cloud-based solutions for businesses.  The answer must be 300-350 words. A minimum of two scholarly journal articles are required. Apply APA 7th edition style (including headings, in-text citations, and references). Textbook for reference Q1 and Q2 […]


 Using the technological concepts listed in exercise one as your basis, design a product (or service) not currently on the market. You may use any concept for this assignment; even if it is not included in exercise one. The product/service must be based on an emerging technology or an improvement to current technologies. Justify your […]

Cloud Cost AnalysisCloud Cost Analysis

The analysis is for your client, a federal government agency, as part of its Microsoft Azure cloud pilot. The Cloud Cost Analysis is the second of a two-part assignment for your client’s CIO. Using the Azure Pricing Calculator, you will calculate the annual cost to establish a cloud system.  The Cloud Cost Analysis will include three deliverables:  Deliverable 1 […]


 READ POST AND GIVE YOUR OPINION IF YOU AGREE AND COME UP WITH TWO QESTIONS A cipher represents an algorithm that serves the purpose of encrypting or decrypting data and files. Typically, when looking into ciphers, you will see block ciphers and stream ciphers. A block cipher encrypts data in blocks to produce ciphertext using […]