Submit the introduction for your final project. In this assignment, you will identify the cyberlaw principles and explain how each applies to the business, e-commerce, or e-communication industries chosen. Describe the purpose that the application of the principles serves for the industry. see attached resources.
Discipline: Computer Science
2-1 Discussion: Intellectual Property and Copyright Discussion Topic2-1 Discussion: Intellectual Property and Copyright Discussion Topic
After reading about intellectual property this week, create an original post in which you discuss the following: Why do we care about intellectual property? How successful have our attempts to protect intellectual property been? Have all countries defined and protected intellectual property the same way?
2-1 Discussion: OSI Model Layers2-1 Discussion: OSI Model Layers
The OSI model takes the task of internetworking and divides it into what is referred to as a vertical stack that consists of seven layers. Review the diagram in the module overview to see each layer and a brief description of its functionality. Use the same industry you used in the Module One discussion. Identify […]
Please go through the material thoroughly I have attached to this. I will add the questions in 3 hours.
network administrationnetwork administration
Although VPNs are relatively secure by nature, endpoints are not. Data entering or leaving the VPN is at risk. An end-user computer could be infected by malicious code that can traverse the VPN link into the company LAN. Answer the following question(s): Consider employees who work from home and use personally owned computers to access […]
network administrationnetwork administration
Assume you are a network administrator. Your internal network has application servers that are accessed by inbound traffic from the Internet. You are considering several strategies. The strategy you select should provide significant control over user access. You must also ensure that all data passing into the internal network is properly evaluated before access is […]
Computer Science DataManagement-AssignmentComputer Science DataManagement-Assignment
Assignment 1: This is a required assignment, worth 45 points, and must be submitted by the due date. Review the Grading Rubric before completing this assignment.Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Databases, Warehouses and Advanced Data Management Systems” and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics: “DM Types”: What determines which […]
Special Topics in Data ScienceSpecial Topics in Data Science
As part of the graduate component to Special Topics in Data Science, you will be asked to submit a term paper that includes at least 10 pages and at least 5 scholarly research, government white papers, or reputable industry reports. This term paper will ask you to survey the ways in which Big Data has […]
Engineering ethicsEngineering ethics
For paper 3, you will analyze the ethical or unethical nature of a specific engineering issue by identifying problems in the situation and using an engineering code of ethics to determine how engineering actions and decisions were ethical or unethical. You should write your analysis on one of the topics below. Within your chosen […]
Engineering EthicsEngineering Ethics
For paper 3, you will analyze the ethical or unethical nature of a specific engineering issue by identifying problems in the situation and using an engineering code of ethics to determine how engineering actions and decisions were ethical or unethical. You should write your analysis on one of the topics below. Within your chosen topic, […]