Discipline: Computer Science

network administrationnetwork administration

Although VPNs are relatively secure by nature, endpoints are not. Data entering or leaving the VPN is at risk. An end-user computer could be infected by malicious code that can traverse the VPN link into the company LAN. Answer the following question(s): Consider employees who work from home and use personally owned computers to access […]

network administrationnetwork administration

Assume you are a network administrator. Your internal network has application servers that are accessed by inbound traffic from the Internet. You are considering several strategies. The strategy you select should provide significant control over user access. You must also ensure that all data passing into the internal network is properly evaluated before access is […]

Engineering ethicsEngineering ethics

  For paper 3, you will analyze the ethical or unethical nature of a specific engineering issue by identifying problems in the situation and using an engineering code of ethics to determine how engineering actions and decisions were ethical or unethical. You should write your analysis on one of the topics below. Within your chosen […]

Engineering EthicsEngineering Ethics

For paper 3, you will analyze the ethical or unethical nature of a specific engineering issue by identifying problems in the situation and using an engineering code of ethics to determine how engineering actions and decisions were ethical or unethical. You should write your analysis on one of the topics below. Within your chosen topic, […]