Discipline: Computer Science


In this assignment, you will create a table in the webpage you previously created. Create a table similar to the following attached screenshot with the three pictures on your webpage, include a paragraph of description for each picture, and another column showing the title of the picture. In your HTML and CSS codes, you will […]

IT 505-1 week2IT 505-1 week2

BUSINESS CASE: New-Horizon Insurance Company needs your service to establish a new IT network.  Main parameters of the given case. New-Horizon company has a four-story office building in the city. There are four offices in that building.  In each office, there will be 25 desktop computers 10 portable/laptop computers and need a wireless connection (WiFi) […]


Organizations across private and public sectors may use a variety of encryption technologies for various purposes. Answer the following question(s): 1. What might be the effects of not using encryption on network or Internet traffic? 2. Why might vendors propose proprietary encryption methods rather than using standard encryption technologies? Fully address the question(s) in this […]


Private Industries and Self Regulation No unread replies.No replies. News stories and public pressure drive government regulations. They also drive many industries to more self-regulation. The hope is to demonstrate to the government and the public that these industries are aware of the problem and are taking action. An industry prefers to self-regulate for two […]

Tech ProjectTech Project

Joshua Tree Technology is a technology firm based in Boston, MA, focusing on technology software, implementation, delivery, and research & development. By 2001, it had become one of the world’s largest multinational corporations and was one of the “Big Five” technology consulting firms. A Fortune Global 500 company, it reported revenues of $50.53 billion in […]

Capstone research paper and Power Point Presentation for the Project: Handwriting Recognition. Python Language basics needed.Capstone research paper and Power Point Presentation for the Project: Handwriting Recognition. Python Language basics needed.

Project: Handwriting Recognition. Total 20 Pages Cover page  Reference list page (Total 10 References) Literature review page (10 Pages) Eight pages about the project. (This can include the screen print, figures/tables, code, etc.) Total cover page + Literature review + project details + Reference list (1 + 10 + 8 + 1): Total 20 Pages  […]