Discipline: Computer Science

network security layersnetwork security layers

A best practice is to thoroughly document the lifespan of a firewall. A firewall implementation procedure should prescribe the systematic process to install and configure a firewall properly. Anytime the firewall is modified, the documentation should be updated accordingly. Answer the following question(s): Assuming you would rarely need to reinstall a firewall, why do you […]

network security layersnetwork security layers

A next-generation firewall (NGFW) is a device that offers additional capabilities beyond traditional firewall functionality. Traditional firewalls may offer stateful packet inspection while a NGFW may provide integrated IDS/IPS functionality, for example. The ability of a single device to perform multiple functions can be cost effective and may not require additional in-house expertise to support […]

visualization or infographicvisualization or infographic

Select any example of a visualization or infographic, maybe your own work or that of others. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed ‘forensic’ like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualization’s anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design layer […]

Business Process and UMLBusiness Process and UML

Assignment 1:  Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Business Processes, and Process Specifications” and reflect on only one (1) of the following topics: “Processes”: What type of Business Processes exist? “Specifications”: How important is it to define the Process Specifications? “Review”: How important is it to review the Processes on a regular basis? […]


Motivation of a Hacker Hackers can have various motives, many of which are similar to the motives for committing traditional crimes: Status/validation: Hackers seeking to make a name for themselves Monetary gain: Hackers wanting to generate revenue for themselves or deny revenue to a target Ideology: Hackers using malicious software to carry out activist attacks […]


Please follow the project document and follow the instructions: Security policy_project (4).docx Download Security policy_project (4).docx  U.S. Compliance Laws Research Submit a draft of your research of DOD-specific requirements for an organization’s IT infrastructure and U.S. compliance laws that may affect the firm.


Importance of Security Policies Learning Objectives and Outcomes Explain the importance of information security policies and the role they play in ensuring sound and secure business information. Assignment Requirements Answer the following question(s): Think about how you would feel if there were no rules regarding how your credit card information was stored on merchants’ websites. […]

Week 7 projectWeek 7 project

 Week 7 Project Paper Hide Assignment InformationInstructions Week 7 Project Paper: (Due by Sunday of Week 7 11:59 PM EST) Submit a 10 page research paper with APA standard annotations on an approved topic (see pre-approved topics below). Pre-approved research topics Authentication/Digital signatures Data collections tools (hardware & software) E-business/e-commerce security End user security issues. […]