Discipline: Computer Science

Week 5Week 5

  Week 5 Assignment: In order to complete assignment #5 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #5). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes […]

two pages of answerstwo pages of answers

  Problem statement: what kind of problem is presented by the authors and why this problem is important? Approach & Design: briefly describe the approach designed by the authors Strengths and Weaknesses: list the strengths and weaknesses, in your opinion Evaluation: how did the authors evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme? What kind of […]


 Statement of Interest and Speech Attachment* Statement of Interest – In 250 words or less, tell us why your UMGC journey is compelling and how it is representative of your peers, the theme(s) of your proposed commencement address. Formatting and submission: We need one document containing your statement of interest and proposed speech. Do not […]

IT501-3 week 1IT501-3 week 1

Writing rules and guidelines  WRITING CHECKLIST Formatting • The text in my written paper is double-spaced • My font size is 11 or 12 • My font style is professional; for example, Arial or Times Roman • The first sentences of all my paragraphs are indented • My page count is within the Assignment limit […]

as belowas below

 INSTRUCTIONS For this assignment, you must analyze a dataset and provide the results of your analysis. You should not interpret the output at this stage. Please refer to the data file in the week 1 resources. In the video game dataset provided, you can explore two categorical or grouping variables (independent variables), which include the […]

Reflection paperReflection paper

At the end of this week, students will be able to: Evaluate the value of this course by posting feedback in a discussion forum Submit a reflection paper to articulate lessons learned in terms of preparing forcareer success. Submit final Reflection Paper (4 – 5 pages) – in your paper, explain how you use the […]


 Artificial Intelligence or AI has been in the news quite a bit lately. Research AI and provide the following:  1. Advantages and disadvantages  2. Products and usage  3. Opinion/reflection on the use of AI  Minimum page length for this task is four (2) double spaced pages using APA citation

Network layersNetwork layers

In the event of an unknown zero-day attack, an intrusion detection system (IDS) might not be able to detect the attack and therefore fail to alert the administrator. Any failure to detect an attack is called a false negative. When alarms are not going off, it’s common to assume that no malicious events are taking […]

network security layersnetwork security layers

LAN Version Subnetting Large organizations often consist of multiple departments that require logical networks to be created across the physical network. Two main ways to create logical networks are virtual LANs (VLANs) and subnetting. Answer the following question(s): In what situation would you create logical networks with VLANs rather than subnetting? Why?