Discipline: Computer Science

8 puzzle JAVA8 puzzle JAVA

2- Complete the puzzle method by using heuristic search f(n) = g(n)+ h(n). For h(n) use sum of distances out of place (hamilton distance). Make sure to write your name in main method. 3- Create an input file as follow: 3 1 3 2 5 0 4 8 7 6               1 3 2 5 7 […]

Computer Science springboot maven mysql online shopping cart assignment for collegeComputer Science springboot maven mysql online shopping cart assignment for college

its simple college project not required in professional way. current requirement is  Q2: Create two web forms in your application which must contain different fields to take user input corresponding to the defined entities/tables created for the Q1. For example, regarding an online music store application, one form should ask the user to input all […]

Concept paperConcept paper

  Week 4 Concept Paper Hide Assignment InformationInstructions Week 4 Concept Paper In week 4 for students will write a concept paper to support their reasoning for choosing their topic for their final project in week 7. In other words, in week 4 you are going tell the reader (the instructor) why you think your […]

Computer Science Week 4 assignmentComputer Science Week 4 assignment

  Week 4 Assignment Hide Assignment InformationTurnitin™This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.Instructions Week 4 Assignment: In order to complete assignment #4 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the […]

computer architecture march 28computer architecture march 28

Explain how quantum computers work. How are quantum computers different from classical computer architectures that we have studied in this course?  What are the principles of quantum computing? Describe the logic gates found in quantum computers. How can quantum computers be used in cryptography?  Where can quantum computers be applied?


– need to write one page   In 50-100 words, please explain in your own words how symmetric and asymmetric encryption works.  In 50-100 words, please explain in your own words how SSL, TLS, HTTPS work and can be utilized to defend communications. In 50-100 words, please explain PKI and what this capability provides and […]