Discipline: Computer Science


 I need to build a website that links the home page, dining, lodging, attractions/events/, and itinerary. I need to be able to create an itinerary. On the dining, lodging, and attraction/event pages, I need to be able to search a database for options and use Google API. They need to have a search bar and […]

Deliverable 1Deliverable 1

Here’s an example of a problem statement:  Problem: Transportation system in London has an issue of getting overloaded during some soccer games. Since this data was not available consistently due to soccer games not having a set pattern every season, the city of London needed to put together a data analysis strategy in order to […]

Corporate software developmentCorporate software development

I am planning to launch my own startup, which will be engaged in corporate software development. I would like to ask other forum participants about their experience in this area. What technologies, tools, and development methods should be used to create corporate software? What are the peculiarities of this process and what should be considered […]

Internship march 24Internship march 24

Week 5 Topic –After the Interview—The “Thank You” LetterWeek 5 Learning objectivesUpon completion of week 5 assignments and discussion forum responses students should be able to: Articulate the rules of interview and post-interview etiquette Explain the benenfits of sending a “thank you” letter to potential employers. Week 5 Assignment—Write and submit a proposed “Thank You” […]


  Research negotiation techniques, and then list and describe the options. Which do you think would work best when negotiating with unions or management? Exercise Instructions:  You are required to submit a 2-Page (Title Page and Content Page), APA formatted paper with substantial content. Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment […]


  Job Enrichment: Knowledge and skill development within the scope of the employee’s normal job Mentoring: A formal or informal program in partnership with a senior employee for long-term career growth Coaching: A formal or informal program with a direct supervisor or external coach for performance improvement or resolution of work issues Job Transitions: Job […]


  1. How do the tactics related to group dynamics involve the managerial functions outlined by the P-O-L-C framework? 2. What are the distinctions among procedural, interactional, and distributive justice? List ways in which you could increase each of these justice perceptions. Exercise Instructions:  You are required to submit a minimum of 3-Pages (Title Page […]


 A. Review current computer/technology-related magazines and journals.  B. Select five (5) technological products NOT CATEGORIES from your review that you consider to be on the “cutting edge” of technology. Give at least a ONE-page product review of each one. This is to be done in your own words. Discuss the products in terms easily understood […]

Data analyticsData analytics

1a) perform an exploratory analysis using healthcare patient’s datasets and develop an interactive dashboard that provides insights on the key influencing factors on heart disease and hypertension. 1b) create visuals showing the impact of demographic factors on both diseases.   c) create visuals showing the impact of behavioral factors on both diseases.   d)  slice and dice […]