1. (Short Discussion Question With ONE resource!) What does it mean to “teach through problem-solving”? What are some strategies you might use in your classroom to teach through problem-solving? 2. (Short Discussion Question With ONE resource!) What are the benefits of planning open-ended questions during math instruction to encourage students to provide rationales for their […]
Discipline: Education
6301 wk 7 discussion6301 wk 7 discussion
Some designs are better than others in terms of validity—the accuracy of the measurement. For this Discussion, you explore threats to internal validity and determine which research design is the best at controlling for these threats.
education portfolio entry 3education portfolio entry 3
Curriculum Portfolio Entry 3 Do you prefer the naturalistic or technological approach? Based on your content background, do you see any possibilities to adopt a dual approach in curriculum design and instructional delivery? *** my background is as a High school, Career Technology Education Teacher. portfolio entries must be a minimum of 600 words.
6301wk 6 assgn6301wk 6 assgn
The best literature reviews are not individual summaries of articles; rather, they are a combined synthesis.
Application AvtivityApplication Avtivity
Bellamy, A. (2007). Exploring the influence of new technology planning and implementation on the perceptions of new technology effectiveness. Journal of Technology Studies, 33(1), 32-40. Bushweller, K. (2022, May 17). What the massive shift of 1-to-1 computing means for schools, in charts. EducationWeek. https://www.edweek.org/technology/what-the-massive-shift-to-1-to-1-computing-means-for-schools-in-charts/2022/05 Mellon, C.A. (1999). Technology and the great pendulum of education. […]
Rules & ConsequencesRules & Consequences
Prompt: Complete Activity #4 at the end of Chapter 6 of the Levin & Nolan textbook to develop 3-5 rules and consequences. Requirements: The writing must respond to all six components of the activity: positive rule, rationale, consequence, communication of rules, student commitment, and cultural expectations. Include an APA-formatted cover page, citations (where appropriate), and […]
Technology to Support Math InstructionTechnology to Support Math Instruction
Assessment Description In special education, the use of technology is a necessity in every classroom. Such technology can take the form of digital resources (high tech) or other non-digital tools (low-tech). Teachers must take the time to be comfortable with the use of both types of technology in their lessons and instruction. While it does […]
Benchmark – Algebra Unit PlanBenchmark – Algebra Unit Plan
Assessment Description Because lessons do not stop when a student leaves the classroom, purposeful collaboration with other teachers, staff, and families can help reinforce and expand the student’s knowledge and skills. Whenever possible, teachers should try to engage families in ways that encourage them to have their child practice the math skills at home. Having […]
Augmentative and Alternative Communication DevicesAugmentative and Alternative Communication Devices
Assessment Description There are various methods and tools that can be used to improve the accessibility of curriculum for students with disabilities. Augmentative and alternative communication devices as well as other assistive technologies are often used for this purpose. It is important for teachers to understand the options that are available, and that they advocate […]
Consequences DiscussionConsequences Discussion
Labels are often used in schools to identify a concern or group a student belongs to, but labels sometimes have negative consequences on students’ learning. What are some of the consequences of labeling? What are some alternatives to labeling students’ cultural, ethnic, gender, and learning differences? 100 words with one Reference