Discipline: Education

group presentationgroup presentation

Book: Tinkering Toward Utopia by David Tyack &  Larry Cuban Assignment- 4 slides on  Chapter 4: Why the Grammar of Schooling Persists (pages 85-97) The course level objectives covered in this assignment are: (CLO 7) Demonstrate analytical disposition when examining current curricular policies in the context of historical political, ideological, social, cultural, and economic factors. (CLO […]

Place and SpacePlace and Space

 Location: Orlando Florida Describing Urban: Rethinking Knowing (Please use caution and guidelines for COVID, perhaps drive, instead of walk or find another means of investigation, social distance, wear masks… Students will conduct informal observational & text-based research on the following: What does this Urban setting look like? Describe the physical setting. b. What kinds of […]

Module CriticModule Critic

  Purpose: To develop skills in the critical analysis of various media. You will be able to engage the content from varied perspectives which serves to encourage viewing and questioning through different lenses. This activity will also help you to think critically as you develop and produce your final video project.    Directions: You will write a scholarly critique of […]

Journal 3Journal 3

After completing the weekly readings, provide a thorough response in your own words to the weekly questions posted below. Please make sure you submit a one-word document with all your answers. A minimum of 550 words and a maximum of 700 words (font size 12, single-spaced) are required for each complete assignment. Please follow APA […]


 Compare and contrast the U.S. Constitution and the Arizona Constitution. Discuss three findings that account for the significant differences in length. Include at least one source to support your answer.  

Annotated bibliographyAnnotated bibliography

Create an annotated bibliography for your Informative Research Paperr (each source in APA format and a paragraph that summarizes the source). Make sure that you have at least 10 sources. Some students have a lot of experience with research, while others do not. If you would like additional help, contact the Judson Library (Charlene Thompson) for help […]

Journal (mitchell)Journal (mitchell)

  Please select ONE of the following topics to discuss in your journal entry. Make sure to connect this learning to your own interpersonal communication/relational experiences.  I am a full time student, full time parent, and work full time 1. How can Mindful Listening impact daily lives, positively? CH6. 2. What is Mindfulness; and how does […]