READ THESE three student responses to the original question you need to answer each student SEPERATELY – this is for discussion participation credit- just give your opinion- per student- did you like what they posted and why or did you not agree and why but this is purely your opinion with a reference for EACH […]
Discipline: Education
Disability Comparison TemplateDisability Comparison Template
Special education teachers are part of the assessment team that determines eligibility for special education services. There are 14 major eligibility categories defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). For each of these disability categories, educators must have general knowledge of the guidelines for eligibility, characteristics, causes, effects on learning, and how often […]
How to balance between studying and gaming?How to balance between studying and gaming?
I am a game keener. Recently, I am crazy about an interesting game called <a href=””>cubes 2048</a>. It is an excellent snake game where I can compete with other players to eat food. I find it is difficult to balance between studying and gaming, so my score decrease a little bit. My mom is so […]
6200 wk 5 assgn6200 wk 5 assgn
Imagine a teen girl posting a selfie on social media. She likes the picture because she is smiling in it and the sun is shining on her nicely. Later that day, she reads the comments, which are mostly positive, but one person has posted a negative comment about her being “fat.” How might that […]
6200 wk 5 discussion6200 wk 5 discussion
Learning about psychological, biological, and social development across the lifespan is essential to competent, ethical social work practice. With this information, social workers can make connections among the environment, developmental factors, and the unique client. Over the past 4 weeks, you have seen Ray evolve through developmental stages in the animated videos, watching as […]
6200 wk 4 assgn6200 wk 4 assgn
Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse can have a devastating impact on children and the family environment. As mandated reporters, social workers are legally required to report any suspicion they have of child abuse or neglect to local authorities. Thus, social workers need to understand how to recognize and respond to cases of abuse expertly […]
Week 5 Advanced English ImmersionWeek 5 Advanced English Immersion
See attachments. DUE TONIGHT. Short Deadline. 2am CST. DUE IN 5 hours
Primary ovarian insufficiency quality of life scalePrimary ovarian insufficiency quality of life scale
Read the article titled: “Primary ovarian insufficiency quality of life scale (POIQOLS): Development and psychometric properties” (attached in the Articles section). Critique the study’s sampling design by answering the attached questions (make sure not to answer with a yes/no; elaborate on each answer by describing what the authors did). Please use the attached word document […]
respond to Q&Arespond to Q&A
RESPOND IN ONE PARAGRAGH!!! Evaluation is a very important part of success for a program. As the program director, one must initiate this in order to stay in touch with the process and progress. The four types of evaluations that are important to cover are outcome, process, formative and cost (Lewis et al., 2012). The […]
ELA StandardsELA Standards
Successful teachers analyze grade-specific state or national academic content standards as they prepare instruction. By analyzing these standards at grade level, as well as above and below grade level, educators gain clear insight into the skills their students must master to be successful in their future. By unwrapping the standards, teachers move students toward greater […]