Discipline: Education


  Economics and Healthcare Discussion  response should be 600 words. The original posting should include a minimum of 3 resources/references.   The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act has long been thought to be an essential component for care, however, many consider this an unfunded mandate that may be wasting money. Identify an issue related […]

Field Experience A: Leadership and CollaborationField Experience A: Leadership and Collaboration

Actively observe, interview, and collaborate with the mentor teacher, paraeducator, or aid who currently teaches math in a middle school classroom (Grades 6-8), about collaboration in the inclusive/mainstream classroom. Your observations should address the following: Roles of special education teachers, general education teachers, and students with disabilities in the inclusive setting Opportunities to demonstrate leadership […]


  Choose 1 of the following topics and write a 300-word (minimum) evidence-based summary. Include 2 APA formatted, up-to-date references to support your written summary.   1) Abnormal musculoskeletal condition, including pertinent history and physical examination findings, proposed diagnostics, treatment. 2)  Abnormal neurologic or speech/language or emotional stability or mental status condition. Include pertinent history and […]

Drafting Essential QuestionsDrafting Essential Questions

Part 1: Partial Lesson Plan Select a 1-5 grade level and a corresponding Arizona College and Career Ready Standard or other state standard based on the Number and Operations in Base Ten domain. Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” complete the lesson plan through the Multiple Means of Engagement section, making sure the activities are […]