Discipline: Education

developing ideasdeveloping ideas

 paragraph using chronological order and including a topic sentence to  explain the steps you would take to complete one of the following tasks.  Preparing for a test   paragraph that fully develops the topic.    A high school diploma is important to my future. 

please answer individuallyplease answer individually

   There are many types of rain, and they all create a different mood.  Spring rain on fields and flowers can feel refreshing. On the other  hand, a cold, steady rain in the middle of winter can make you feel a  little sad. A thunderstorm might feel frightening, or it might feel  exciting. All types […]

email cover letteremail cover letter

 Write an email cover letter to submit electronically for a job  application. The job can be anything you choose (it doesn’t have to be  based on a real job listing), but it must be a specific position. For  example, if the job is at a restaurant, you might apply to be a manager  or a […]

research projectresearch project

Each component must be addressed effectively to receive credit. Please refer to the research articles provided for your article review for examples. Introduction (5-7 pages): Introduce your topic in a general sense, situate it within the larger context of education Identify the research problem you want to address Include relevant research concerning your topic (brief […]

Scenario 5Scenario 5

 To create a realistic plan for family engagement in your school that  takes into account potential barriers and to evaluate your plan.    Scenario: Your student  teaching experiences convinced you of the benefits for everyone when  schools and families make a commitment to each other to work together.  You have several ideas for supporting family […]


We had a speaker come to the school and talk about drugs. Please use the attached powerpoint slides to write a reflection summary on what the speaker talked about and your thoughts about the topic discussed. 

ds week 8ds week 8

 During this semester, we reviewed several areas in blockchain, business intelligence, data mining, electronic currency, etc.Getting closer to your dissertation, you will need to choose a topic in your first dissertation class, DSRT-736, so it is essential to start preparing. This week, let us look at some topics to consider.Since you have already examined several […]


   Each day in the United States, 80 newborns are diagnosed with neonatal abstinence syndrome, in which they experience withdrawal from a drug they have been exposed to in the womb (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Researchers know now that parental smoking, drinking, and drug use put a fetus at increased risk for […]