Discipline: Education

Benchmark – 3 Day Unit PlanBenchmark – 3 Day Unit Plan

 Assessment Description Developing a unit plan provides structure and outlines the standards, objectives, lessons, materials, and assessments. It is especially helpful when planning cross-curricular units. Creating effective unit plans requires consideration of standards alignment, assessment strategies, instructional methods, and student needs. Thoughtful planning of resources, materials, and technology is important to supplement the learning and […]

Lesson planLesson plan

  revise your math lesson plan from Topic 2 to integrate engineering concepts. Select a grade-appropriate engineering standard using your state’s standards, or standards from the Next Generation Science Standards. (common core) Your lesson plan should be completed in its entirety, with a focus on: Incorporating developmentally-appropriate general engineering concepts into the instruction and instructional […]

Intelligent ConversationIntelligent Conversation

Given the videos you’ve just watched and the reading of Chapter 8, please respond to both the following discussion questions thoughtfully: How do demographic factors such as gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and race affect intellectual development? With a variety of competing intelligence theories, how, if at all, can practitioners meaningfully make use of these theories? […]

policy memopolicy memo

The memo should be no longer than 1 page. It should be 1.5 space and 12-point font. Students will write a formal policy memo to a current legislator on the policy you discussed in Section Two. The purpose is to inform a legislator of a social work position on the policy. This memo should be: […]


   READ THESE three student responses to the original question you need to answer each student SEPERATELY – this is for discussion participation credit- just give your opinion- per student- did you like what they posted and why or did you not agree and why but this is purely your opinion with a reference for […]

Source-Based PromptSource-Based Prompt

This  requires you to use information from the two opinions to discuss the most important concerns that relate to the issue you’ve chosen. When paraphrasing or quoting from the sources, cite each source used by referring to the author’s last name, title, or other clear identifier. 

Clinical Field Experience D: Protecting the Welfare and Safety of Students and StaffClinical Field Experience D: Protecting the Welfare and Safety of Students and Staff

  As a leader on your campus, it is important to understand the safety procedures you are responsible for implementing with your students and staff. Obtain and review your school’s emergency plan, drill schedule, any additional action steps to address adverse situations in the school setting, district policies relating to student and staff safety, and […]