You are the owner of an athletic facility. This organization may be hypothetical. please create a MS PowerPoint (PPT) presentation discussing three (3) ethical issues employees could encounter and explain how these issues should be handled (i.e., resolved). Some possible issues are: Client flirting with an employee (do not use an employee flirting with […]
Discipline: Education
final (cooper)final (cooper)
Topic: the use of social media in the field of emergency management and / or crisis communications.
food safety manual (cooper)food safety manual (cooper)
As you know, foodborne illness is a widespread problem, not only in the United States, but around the world. Prior to beginning this course, you may have thought that foodborne illnesses were only caused by restaurants or food manufacturers. However you have learned that what you do (or do not do) in your own […]
Education Coaching and Mentoring AssignmentEducation Coaching and Mentoring Assignment
Abstract Involving and developing excellent people resources via organizational development activities such as coaching and mentoring may provide a company a competitive advantage. As a result, the purpose of this research was to objectively examine how coaching and/or mentoring may increase organizational performance. Second, the research considered my personal influence as a coach/mentor on […]
Harmony “Human Reader System” 2024.Harmony “Human Reader System” 2024.
World War III Emergency Response Edition Buy it for: $25,000 USD, or register to build your own at any of our partner locations: Task Force Contacts Program Managers/Authors: GEN. Hari Seldon JR. (USAF), PHD, KOFC, AFA, AUSA, CBRN SPC Alex Ortiz (USAR) Intelligence Analyst/ ARSOF AOpC IO JIIM SFA UAP Honorable Sponsors and Inspirational Motivators: […]
Travel Administration SportsTravel Administration Sports
create: 1. a single trip itinerary (doubled spaced text) for a fictitious athletic team and 2. Explain why an athletic program (i.e., team) should make a comprehensive travel itinerary. Part I: In detail identify all travel categories associated with your team’s Travel Itinerary (see below). Trip Date(s):Identify specific dates for travel Trip Location(s):Present place of […]
Admin of early childhood deeAdmin of early childhood dee
Q1 observe in an early childhood program for (10) hours an interview an early childhood administrator. Make sure to think of (10) questions for the interview. Next, you will create a Word document and write the interview questions and answers Q2 discuss your “key takeaway” from the interview with a child care director. During the […]
final (jameire)final (jameire)
Topic: Getting back into a fitness routine post-surgery · Strengths · Weaknesses · Overall PST program objectives. You must apply each of the following psychological tools, explaining the reason and expected outcome. In addition, you must organize your program into the three phases of PST as described below. 1. Behavior Modification To change an […]
For this assignment, you will be completing a short career development plan, and you will be responding to questions in a worksheet. You may use your current or past work experiences. You do not need to provide details about your current or former company names, employees, or supervisors. Click here to access the worksheet. […]
BD 4&5BD 4&5
1. What challenges have you faced while working or interacting with people from different generations than your own? 2. Discuss your positive and negative experience with performance appraisals. Are performance appraisals beneficial? If so, why? If not, why not? Just 50 Words count per answer. no reference