Discipline: Education

Teacher interviewsTeacher interviews

 Teacher Interview You will interview either a general or a special education teacher in your assigned school about how she/he works with parents to support student learning for students with disabilities.General Assignment Description: Your interview should consist of 15 or more questions. In this assignment, you should gain knowledge about working with students with disabilities […]

Education assignment for AjEducation assignment for Aj

 You  are a financial analyst at XYZ Company, and you have been tasked with  analyzing the company’s sales data for the year 2023. You have been  provided with an Excel workbook with four Excel spreadsheets: one  containing Instructions, another has sales data, another has customer  information, and the last sheet has “Resources.”. Your goal is […]

week 7 final (tasha)week 7 final (tasha)

Choose ONE of the topics listed below Do not include quotes in your work.  I want to see your critical thinking skills on display and not a string  of quotes written by published authors. Your analysis is what is needed  for a successful summary.  This is a major assignment so please follow the instructions carefully.  […]

501 writing 3501 writing 3

  Summative Test Blueprint (*This assignment must be approved by your professor before you can submit your summative assessment next week, so be sure to plan accordingly.) Now that you have practiced writing questions at various levels of rigor, create a blueprint (table) of how you will construct your summative test for your unit. Refer […]

edu 501 writing 3edu 501 writing 3

  Instructions to Parents and Students Write a letter to parents introducing the unit.  Items to include in your letter: standards addressed in the unit, suggestions for parents to do at home to become involved in their child’s learning.  Be sure to make your letter open to two-way communications where parents can contact you with […]

Barriers Brochure (saunders)Barriers Brochure (saunders)

  Step 1: Interview someone who is teaching adult learners. Find out how he/she attends to barriers to learning.  Step  2: Create an original brochure for a workshop about barriers to adult  learning. You do not have to plan the workshop. Just create a brochure  for one. In the brochure, quote/cite the person you interviewed […]

final presentationfinal presentation

  View the video of the lesson you have chosen, and respond to the following items. Identify the instructional models exhibited by the teacher during instruction, and provide examples that validates this assumption. Refer to the Links to an external site. document you used in the Week 5 Instructional Models discussion forum to refresh your […]

501 dicussion 3501 dicussion 3

Planning to provide for all students’ abilities is imperative. This can be trying and frustrating for teachers, especially inexperienced teachers. How will Scriptures from weeks 1 – 3 aid you in these trying times