Read and respond to Decision Time in Chapter 4. Use text-based evidence (cited correctly) to aid you in your response
Discipline: Education
Education Edu 575 week 3 assignmentEducation Edu 575 week 3 assignment
Develop a set of 5-7 interview questions related to leadership theories. Conduct an interview with an educational leader that allows you to gain knowledge about their specific style of leadership. Evaluate leadership theory and principles for their role in education administration. Determine the theory that is most similar in style to that of the interviewee. Use two […]
Edu 575 week 3 discussionEdu 575 week 3 discussion
Discuss two areas of strengths that a transformational leader would exhibit in a situation where they were setting organizational goals for improving student achievement. Conversely, what are two areas of weakness that the transformational leader might face when providing feedback to staff who are resistant to change?
Values and Ethical Decision MakingValues and Ethical Decision Making
As a health care manager in today’s industry, your values and ethics will guide your daily decisions. Discuss the following questions with the class: What impact do individual values have on ethical decision-making? Provide an example. What may change an individual’s values or ethics? Provide an example.
Your Self Learning StoryYour Self Learning Story
CD 139: Self Learning Story Assignment sample is attached In this assignment you will be writing a Learning Story about yourself! What is a Learning Story? A ‘Learning Story’ is a record of what a teacher (or parent) has seen a child (or group of children) doing .It is usually focused on a specific […]
Education Early Childhood AssignmentsEducation Early Childhood Assignments
For this assignment, create an 8-10 slide digital presentation for a professional development for new early childhood teachers that demonstrates educational options (birth-pre-K or K-3). The digital presentation should include the following: Explanation of three evidence-based early childhood environments, one being Montessori and two of your choosing. How each environment contributes to building a safe, […]
Education HomeworkEducation Homework
Description: Writing competency statements enables Early Childhood professionals to illustrate understanding of fundamental skills necessary to create high quality care and education for infants and toddlers. Directions: For the Florida Child Care Professional Credential (FCCPC) write a competency statement for: Competency Goal 4: Development of educational programs that improve motor, language, and cognitive development […]
Preparing to TeachPreparing to Teach
Review your learning on the various topics in this course. Where do you feel a) confident of your knowledge, b) curious to learn more, and c) needing further clarification. Review the APA 20 Principles of Teaching and Learning website. What connections do you see with your developing knowledge of teaching and learning? What questions do […]
Beyond Standardized AssessmentBeyond Standardized Assessment
What are some of the pros and cons of formal standardized testing for teaching and learning? Describe two other types of assessment teachers can use and explain how these assessments can inform teaching and student learning. Ormrod, J. E., & Jones, B. D. (2012). Essentials of educational psychology: Big ideas to guide effective teaching.
Powerful Learning EnvironmentsPowerful Learning Environments
Describe a particularly effective or ineffective classroom environment you experienced in the past. Compare the features of this environment to the research on effective classroom environments described in the Module 8 reading. What implications do you draw from your experience and the research to inform your future practice? What considerations will be most important in […]