Discipline: Education

Managerial CoachingManagerial Coaching

You are the new coach of a collegiate athletic program with a history of poorly performing athletes, deficient academics, high turnover, and questionable social activities. Your employment was based on “cleaning up” the program. While the factors of planning, organization, human resource staffing, and leadership are all critical components for the resurgences of the program, […]


  What is bioterrorism? Give one example of bioterrorism in the USA and two examples in other countries. Is COVID-19 an act of bioterrorism? Watch the video clips and utilize factual evidence from these clips to strengthen your points.

Thelma week 2Thelma week 2

  Please use instructions to complete attached template Linear programming optimizes resource allocation in numerous sectors, making it vital for management decision-making. Managers may make effective decisions to increase earnings and decrease expenses while recognizing limits (Vanderbei, 2020). For example, a factory manager may utilize linear programming to optimize production mix with limited resources like manpower […]

Theories and Contributors to Early Childhood Education powerpoint (jones)Theories and Contributors to Early Childhood Education powerpoint (jones)

  The purpose of this assignment is to describe influences and changes  that have occurred in early childhood education through its history.  (CO1) Create a ten (10) slide PowerPoint presentation depicting important  concepts/theories and contributors to early Childhood education. You  must include five (5) contributors and five (5) theories. Provide  highlights/important facts for each of […]

Instructional Plan proposalInstructional Plan proposal

  Produce an instructional plan…as though you are preparing this for a potential employer. Use the following scenario:  You  have a job interview for your ideal context and position. The  interviewing team has asked that you prepare an instructional plan  proposal for the interview. They want to review your understanding of  adult learners. Demonstrate what […]

cooper week 6cooper week 6

  The purpose of this summary is  to examine contemporary issues related to food safety, including  tampering, bioterrorism, and different food safety standards across the  globe, and identifying food safety barriers that can cause issues with  food safety in a global, interconnected environment. I suggest that you divide your summary into sections so that you […]

Education Assignment 9- Family Perspective & InvolvementEducation Assignment 9- Family Perspective & Involvement

Purpose: Parents of children with disabilities typically experience more stress than families who do not have children with disabilities. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how some of these perceptions and barriers affect family involvement. Visit the following website: IRIS Website (Links to an external site.) On a word document, complete the following questions:  What is […]

Trauma-Sensitive and Resilience-Enhancing SchoolTrauma-Sensitive and Resilience-Enhancing School

The purpose of the assignment is to design a visual model representing a trauma-sensitiveand resilience-enhancing school (or your organization). The model visually demonstrates a plan of action to help students feel safe, connected, self-regulate behavior and achieve academic success. To complete the assignment, do the following: · Design a visual model that includes the following:  A title to identify as pre-school, elementary, middle school or high school […]

Edu 501Edu 501

Writing Assignment: Submit by Saturday 11:59 p.m. Assignment 1: Choose one CCR Standard in the CORE subject area of your choice. (Steps to access standards)  http://www.mdek12.org/ Click on Educators Click on Academic Standards Select English, Science, Math, or Socials Studies CCRS standards. Use the Resource “Unpacking the Standards” document to analyze your standard and gain […]