Please see attachment. each questions should be answered in its entirety followed by a refernces
Discipline: Education
Midterm cocoMidterm coco
Select a topic relevant to the COVID pandemic (access to health care, economic inequality, the global context of the pandemic, racial and ethnic disparities in contraction rate or access to the vaccine, political decision-making and leadership, etc). 2. Provide at least three scholarly or otherwise trustworthy sources on your topic, and justify your use. […]
Midterm DeeMidterm Dee
Select a topic relevant to the COVID pandemic (access to health care, economic inequality, the global context of the pandemic, racial and ethnic disparities in contraction rate or access to the vaccine, political decision-making and leadership, etc). 2. Provide at least three scholarly or otherwise trustworthy sources on your topic, and justify your use. […]
Listen to the Podcast wisdom from the top and use some of the information from the course reading to write about some of the correlation with what you listen to in the Wisdom from the top podcast with this week’s focus on practical wisdom (character). Incorporate at least two of the concepts discussed in this […]
Education Two Part AssignmentEducation Two Part Assignment
There are two Assignments. Please follow the directions for each part. Need this back by Sat and no Plagarisum.
Discussion 4Discussion 4
This week your task is to consider what you have learned about the influence of growth mindsets on both students and educators and think about how you will show your students that you believe in them as you create the culture and climate in your own classroom. Prior to participating in this discussion form, […]
Ruby’s Inclusion storyRuby’s Inclusion story
Slavin and Schunk (2021) posit that intentional teachers, both individually and collaboratively, purposefully create ways to foster learning and to meet the needs of each one of their students. Watch the Ruby’s Inclusion Story video and discuss the parts of the video that were the most meaningful to you as a current or aspiring educator. […]
Mission StatementsMission Statements
(at least two (2) pages in length – double spaced, Times Roman 12 point font, not including the title and reference page) critiquing the mission statement you selected. Be certain to include at least two literary resources (e.g., academic journals, web site) be able to support the information presented. In your critique, describe whether the […]
I need helpI need help
Read this chapter: Ooka Pang Chapter 9 Prejudice and Bullying.pdfDownload Ooka Pang Chapter 9 Prejudice and Bullying.pdf Design and submit one thought-provoking question to stimulate group discussion. Demonstrate evidence that you have completed the reading by briefly describing your understanding of the author’s assertions.
I need helpI need help
Cultural Autobiography (2-3 pages, 12-point font, double-spaced). Write about yourself, addressing at least one of the following questions about your cultural background: • What did you see or not see in your family, school, and media regarding people of different cultural backgrounds? What did you learn or not learn in school? • What relationships did you […]