Discipline: Education

world socities (coco)world socities (coco)

  Black Panther is about a futuristic society that avoided the calamities of European colonialism and thus, through control of their own resources and technological innovation, its people were able to thrive and far exceed the progress of other global societies. While this is fictional (a brand of storytelling called Afrofuturism), it reflects a way of […]

Journal 5: WSIDWML (coco)Journal 5: WSIDWML (coco)

  Choose at least one of the assigned chapters of What Should I Do With My Life? ch. 24-30 and talk us through something that struck you as valuable or meaningful about the author’s journey.  Maybe you share similar backgrounds or experiences. Maybe you it helped you consider your own professional and academic goals. Perhaps it helped […]

Journal 5: WSIDWML (dee)Journal 5: WSIDWML (dee)

  Choose at least one of the assigned chapters of What Should I Do With My Life? ch. 24-30 and talk us through something that struck you as valuable or meaningful about the author’s journey.  Maybe you share similar backgrounds or experiences. Maybe you it helped you consider your own professional and academic goals. Perhaps it helped […]


Visit the Best Buddies website https://www.bestbuddies.org and review the following items: What is the mission and purpose of the program? Is there a Best Buddy program in your state?  If so, what types of opportunities are provided?  Browse some of the other state’s sites and identify programs or events they offer. Identify local high schools […]


Describe instructional strategies often used with students with autism spectrum disorders. Review the information provided.  You must read and review resources in order to understand the assignment. https://www.pbisworld.com/tier-2/social-stories Select a topic related to assisting students with ASD with how, when, and why to do something and prepare a social story. (Topic: 5 points) You must […]

Introduction to Global Studies (des)Introduction to Global Studies (des)

  Watch the two video (link is in the Discussion Board): A 10-minute Ted Talk video on Trade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v3uqD1hWGE A 4-minute explanation between the IMF and the World Bank: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN3qrFA4jXc Topic- Economic Globalization versus Economic Nationalism: Part I: What are the competing ideologies of mercantilism, liberalism (economic), and Marxism (chapter 9)? Briefly summarize each in your […]

Professional Documentation PortfolioProfessional Documentation Portfolio

  The Professional Documentation Portfolio comprises several documents to provide evidence of the level of competency candidates have reached in the standards addressed. These documents have been through the grading process. Sometimes, the student documents may have been revised following instructor feedback. The work samples in this portfolio may include the following: Individual Education Plan/Individual […]