Complete the following: Discussion Questions 1. If you were teaching a student wi a Specific Learning Disability(SLD) in Math a lesson on two-digit addition, discuss at least 1 differentiated way you could provide instruction (presentation) and at least 1 differentiated way the student could express their understanding of the concept. 2. Name at least 2 […]
Discipline: Education
Chapter 9 Comprehension: Text Structures and Teaching proceduresChapter 9 Comprehension: Text Structures and Teaching procedures
ED 504 Chapter Synthesis Presentation. Textbook- Gunning, T. G. (2013). Creating literacy instruction for all students. (10th ed) Boston: Pearson. Directions to chapter Synthesis. The purpose is to demonstrate understanding of the assigned reading component. One of the course objectives is to select and adapt best practices of evidence-based research that focus on diverse strategies […]
Video ReviewsVideo Reviews
There are three short videos related to students with specific learning disabilities (SLD) and/ ADHD. From the videos, you are to respond to the following briefly: Describe in complete sentences three characteristics of students with SLD in a bulleted fashion. Explain what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is and how it might affect a student […]
I need someone to help me briefly answer a few questions listed below. 1. what are some concepts to look for, in a classroom, when evaluating children’s pragmatic skills? 2. how much do individual difference, family background, or non-age-related factors influence a child’s pragmatic development. 3. Do you personally know someone with autism? what is […]
Entr426 finalEntr426 final
Determine specific strategic growth strategies for your business venture based upon your analysis of what you might find your business facing in each of the four situational quadrants of the SWOT matrix. Justify your selections by evaluating the conditions and explaining the rationalization behind each growth strategy. Also, briefly include how you would implement […]
Education Four Part AssignmentEducation Four Part Assignment
There are four Assignments that are due by September 30 . The directions are attach for each assignments.
Building VocabularyBuilding Vocabulary
Chapter 7 explains the importance of vocabulary, presents stages of vocabulary knowledge, discusses basic principles for teaching vocabulary, and describes a variety of techniques for teaching and reinforcing vocabulary. Also included are techniques to help students remember words and a description of special features of words: homophones, homographs, and figurative language. In addition, techniques for […]
Critical Analysis of a Scholarly Article (3-4 pages)Critical Analysis of a Scholarly Article (3-4 pages)
Better Schools Won’t Fix America by Nick Hanauer The author has moved away from a belief system that he calls “educationism.” What is this belief system and why has the author abandoned it? What are your thoughts about the author’s decision? The article states that “the metric most predictive of a child’s success” is […]
Please see attachment. Please answer each question separately and in a complete paragraph followed bu a reference
week 4 (jameire)week 4 (jameire)
Please complete attached worksheet as well as completed summary you are asked to complete the Goal-setting Worksheet located in the Contents, assigned reading heading, of this module, and a 3-page summary. Address each personal and situational factor as it relates to your athlete. Focus on the short-term goals and complete the factors shaping performance, […]