Discipline: Education

edu 506edu 506

Which interventions or actions could you use to influence the student to behave appropriately? Explain your choices. Which logical consequences would be appropriate? Which domains of Social-Emotional Learning could be utilized in your instruction to support the student’s appropriate behavior in the future? Explain how the SEL domains will help. How would you use your […]

Article CritiqueArticle Critique

 Each student will select, read, and critique (3) three research articles from a professional journal or source on a topic relating to teaching.  The critique should contain three sections: summary, connections to education, and personal reflection. 

Inquiring learning and gifted student with hearing and visual impairmentInquiring learning and gifted student with hearing and visual impairment

1.  Students with special gifts and talents may benefit from an inquiry-based learning approach for many reasons, but planning for and implementing inquiry learning may be taxing to teachers. Imagine you are a teacher talking with a colleague about inquiry-based learning. Your colleague does not think the benefits of the approach outweigh the challenges. What […]

Curriculum Design TheoriesCurriculum Design Theories

Rubric Criteria Expand All Rubric CriteriaExpand All Overview of the Curriculum Design Process 25 points Summary of Curriculum Design Theory 25 points Representative Curriculum Designs 25 points Summary of Design Approach 25 points Mechanics of Writing 6.25 points Title Slide, Presenter’s Notes, and Research Citations 6.25 points Presentation 12.5 points  

week 2 discussionweek 2 discussion

  The whole point of this week is to get you to contemplate the level of ethics and character that you must exhibit as an educator. Prior to participating in this discussion forum, reflect on the Six Pillars of CharacterLinks to an external site. page, as well as the K-5 character education lesson: respecting differencesLinks […]

Developmental TheoriesDevelopmental Theories

Create a brief, fictional description of a student who is struggling in school. Include the student’s name, grade level, and area of struggle. You may include additional information to provide context for your fictional student if necessary. Explain how Piaget’s developmental theory could be used to support the student. Explain how Vygotsky’s developmental theory could […]

Topic 6 DQ 1Topic 6 DQ 1

DQ1: A teacher with ELL/bilingual students in her classroom comes to you complaining that too much time is dedicated to assessing students and it takes a significant amount of time away from instruction. Provide a response to the teacher that helps make the connection between assessment and instruction and explains the benefits of regular assessment […]