Create a one-page graphic in Canva (or another program) that explains an element of good graphic design. Your design should include text, color, and should fill the page. Site your source on the document. (website or text book page) Submit your document. I am attaching some examples
Discipline: Education
week 3 quayweek 3 quay
Q1. Define marketing and describe why it is important for healthcare managers to understand the key components of the marketing concept. Q2. Define quality in healthcare. Describe the dimensions of healthcare quality. Q3: Discuss the implementation phase of policymaking in general terms. Q4: Discuss the interconnectivity of health policymaking process.
thelma week 5thelma week 5
Use the company below to complete the attachment Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp. Apple juice adulteration scandal -“food fraud” Everstine, K., Spink, J., & Kennedy, S. (2013). Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) of food: Common characteristics of EMA incidents. Journal of Food Protection, 76(4), 723-35. Buder, L. (1988, Feb 18). 2 former executives of Beech-Nut guilty in phony juice […]
week 7 thelma powerpointweek 7 thelma powerpoint
CASE STUDIES company listed below Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp. Apple juice adulteration scandal -“food fraud” Everstine, K., Spink, J., & Kennedy, S. (2013). Economically motivated adulteration (EMA) of food: Common characteristics of EMA incidents. Journal of Food Protection, 76(4), 723-35. Buder, L. (1988, Feb 18). 2 former executives of Beech-Nut guilty in phony juice case. […]
week 3 angela evansweek 3 angela evans
Brand Extension Assignment: Choose a product and write a 5 page summary discussing how you would create a brand extension of that product. Include your rationale for the brand extension. Headings to include: Brand (to include a brief background) Extension idea Rationale/justification or need for the new idea- include relating the idea back to […]
Mediation Quarrels (greg)Mediation Quarrels (greg)
Suppose that you are the HR manager for a company. The judge in a current law suit by a former employee has ordered mandatory pre-suit mediation. Your boss is unfamiliar with mediation and she asks you to advise her as to several issues regarding the upcoming mediation. Draft a memo thoroughly discussing, at minimum, the […]
Work and family (tati)Work and family (tati)
Write an analysis of the topic you’ve chosen, addressing: What the topic is? Why you think the issue is important; discuss how common the problem is, and how many people it affects. What current policies relate to this issue? How you’d like to see the policy change, or what policy you’d like to see […]
Applying Andragogy and Community (saunders)Applying Andragogy and Community (saunders)
Over the past three weeks, we have studied the unique characteristics of Andragogy. You have learned that adult learners have academic needs that must be met by instructors. For your assignment this week, create a Word document, PowerPoint, or Prezi that: explains your understanding of andragogy; includes specific examples of how you will attend […]
Week 3 (saunders)Week 3 (saunders)
Social media headlines read “Coach Krakus leads volleyball team to league’s championship game for 1st time in coaching career.” Coach Krakus is completing his 13th year as head coach of a co-ed junior league (i.e., 13–15-year-old participants) volleyball team. Yesterday, Coach Krakus’ team won their semi-final game and will be playing in the championship […]
charlie boycharlie boy
Charlie is a fifth grader who receives special education services for a learning disability. He is on grade level in math and two years below grade level in reading. He receives services in a resource setting for one hour each day. Charlie has no history of behavior problems. Recently, Charlie was caught stealing software […]