Discipline: Education

Education Chapter 4 AssignmentEducation Chapter 4 Assignment

Based on the module 4 resources, please reflect and answer the following question. (Be sure to exhibit careful thought and logical reasoning in your reflection response.) What are the different types of intelligence proposed by Gardner? Which types of intelligence do think you possess and why? Explain Sternberg’s Triachic Theory of intelligence. How is his theory […]


 You have just been hired as a first-grade teacher at Valley Elementary School and are very excited to begin. Describe what you will do specifically in your classroom to enhance the language and vocabulary development of your first graders. 

Education week 5 assignmentEducation week 5 assignment

   In your Week 1 assignment, you outlined an Interpersonal Communication Skill Improvement Plan that you have been working on each week during the class. You took an Interpersonal Communication Skills Assessment in Week 1, and you retook that assessment in Week 5 to compare your scores, especially in the area you have been working […]


  Read vignettes about different children in a classroom. Choose 3 of the 5 and share strategies for helping the children in the vignettes. Please refer to Reflection Journal Exercise Scoring Rubric Sample Vignettes 1)  Jay is an outgoing second grader who is excelling in math and science. He has been referred for the gifted […]

Related Services: Common Supports for Students with DisabilitiesRelated Services: Common Supports for Students with Disabilities

Go to the following website: IRIS Center Click on the toolbar button titled Resources In the drop-down menu, go to IRIS Resource Locator This will take you to a screen based on the topic. Under the topic: Related Services, you will be completing the module titled: Related Services: Common Supports for Students with Disabilities For each of […]

Center for Parent ResourcesCenter for Parent Resources

Assignment: Go to the following website:   https://www.parentcenterhub.org Identify the name and county/location of the Parent Center where you plan to work. Using the resources on the website, in bulleted format,  identify the following: Five ways to help students, parents, and families with the IEP Process. (three sources)  Three things parents should know about their […]