Discipline: Education

stages of life (tati)stages of life (tati)

 interview two  individuals that are in different stages of Adulthood. You may choose  from the following stages: Emerging/Early Adulthood (20-40), Middle  Adulthood (40-65), Late Adulthood (65+).Interview Requirements:  Interviews can be conducted via phone, video conferencing, email, or in  person. You can select your own questions to be included in the  interview. However, the following core […]

EDMG (quita)EDMG (quita)

  1)   Assess the role of social media and its potential for application in  emergency management.  In doing so, examine and clearly indicate in a  short written narrative,  how you believe that social media can be  supportive across the four phases of emergency management (Mitigation,  Preparedness, Response and Recovery); 2)  Once  done so, name and […]

Ome slide powerpoint (quita)Ome slide powerpoint (quita)

  You will be diagramming the  course and impact of a real world foodborne illness outbreak, choosing  one of the outbreaks noted in these assignment instructions. Your  diagram will be a one page infographic that visually identifies and  explains the way the outbreak occurred, from source to victims. In short – your infographic should be […]


150 word each with citations please  Q1:  Research special education law advocates in your state. Describe a local organization that supports parents in working through due process. Q2:  Based on feedback from your interviews in this topic, or overall in this course, what are two big takeaways for you regarding the field of special education? […]

Education Information and Communication Technologies for Students with Disabilities Portfolio AssignmentEducation Information and Communication Technologies for Students with Disabilities Portfolio Assignment

Information and Communication Technologies for Students with Disabilities Portfolio Assignment For this assignment, you have been assigned a student named Victor. For Victor, you must identify current and emerging assistive technologies to enable him to participate in high-quality communication interactions and achieve his educational goals. In addition, you will need to provide an adequate rationale for […]

Chp.5 Teaching Phonics, High-Frequency Words, and Syllabic AnalysisChp.5 Teaching Phonics, High-Frequency Words, and Syllabic Analysis

Knowing the content and methodology of phonics, high-frequency words, and syllabic analysis is essential if teachers intend to be able to help all of their pupils, both struggling and achieving readers, succeed. The chapter emphasizes the importance of phonics (if needed), high-frequency (sight) words, and syllabic analysis as tools for decoding words, but emphasizes that […]

Topic 5 Discussion Questions 1 & 2Topic 5 Discussion Questions 1 & 2

DQ1: How can you ensure that discussions surrounding assessments of ELL/bilingual students involve more than their deficits and achievement gaps, but also focus on their strengths, growth, and successes to celebrate?  DQ2: What are some ways an ELL/bilingual specialist can be included in the analysis of data and participate in decision-making at the district, school, […]