Discipline: Education

Identifying Organizational Patterns Exercise (des)Identifying Organizational Patterns Exercise (des)

  Watch the following video on organizational patterns in writing. Review the following article on advances in robotics. Pay special attention to the organizational patterns in the article. Select one organizational pattern and, in a short response or 3-5 sentences, describe the pattern in the article and why it works as an organizational strategy.  Example: Advantages and […]

Educational Thinker presentationEducational Thinker presentation

EDLC 504 Page 1 of 2 EDUCATIONAL THINKER PRESENTATION ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The overview of the first three modules of this course has led you into an exploration of various educational philosophies. Traditional philosophies, modern and post-modern philosophies, as well as educational theories of transformation and transmission have all been studied along with their corresponding […]

Perennialism, Essentialism, Behaviorism, Reconstructionism, Critical Pedagogy, and ConstructivismPerennialism, Essentialism, Behaviorism, Reconstructionism, Critical Pedagogy, and Constructivism

PHILOSOPHY MATRICES ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW The overview of the first three modules of this course will lead you into an exploration of various educational philosophies. Traditional philosophies, modern and post-modern philosophies, as well as educational theories of transformation and transmission will all be studied along with their corresponding personalities. This assignment will give you the […]

Education Discussion QuestionEducation Discussion Question

* A paragragh or two is enough**  There are many proven, effective approaches to early education. This week, we will be considering five of the more common approaches. To prepare, you must watch the five Readings and Resources videos. For your initial post, you will select one of the following and answer the questions below. […]

Appropriate Accommodations for Classroom AssessmentsAppropriate Accommodations for Classroom Assessments

Assessment Description Oftentimes standards-based content assessments can inadvertently assess things beyond the intended content knowledge. For example, they may be assessing English language skills/proficiency or contain cultural test bias. As an ELL/bilingual specialist, you may be called upon to help grade-level or subject area teachers accommodate assignments and/or assessments in various content areas.