Discipline: Education

Journal 1 (coco)Journal 1 (coco)

  Choose at least one of the assigned chapters of What Should I Do With My Life? so far (ch. 1-15). and talk us through something that struck you as valuable or meaningful about the author’s journey. Maybe you share similar backgrounds or experiences. Maybe you it helped you consider your own professional and academic goals. Perhaps […]

Chapter 3 Assessing for learningChapter 3 Assessing for learning

  Read this Article on History and Research Overview Assessment is as old as instruction. Speaking of reading comprehension assessment, Pearson and Hamm comment, “Although reading comprehension assessment as a formal identifiable activity is a 20th century phenomenon, it has been part of classrooms for as long as there have been schools, required texts, students […]


  Unit 4: Discussion – Chap. 10 Language Development in the Primary Years 33 unread replies.1717 replies. Introduction Each discussion thread – answer question(s) within the discussion thread based on the directions. Choose 1 question from below to complete for your initial post. Make sure to answer a question that hasn’t already been taken by […]

Module 3: Response to Intervention and Multitiered Systems of Support Module Video ReviewsModule 3: Response to Intervention and Multitiered Systems of Support Module Video Reviews

In this module, there are 4 short videos. Watch each video.  Then on a Word document, I want you to summarize what you learned in each video in a bulleted format using complete sentences.  Do this by putting headings that represent the numbers of the video (e.g., Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4).  […]

Discussion Post 2Discussion Post 2

Discussion Post: You are required to post items to the course online discussion forum (see the syllabus for how they will be graded) that add value to the topic that is covered for the week, linking theory to real-world examples. Reflect on the following question: In previous generations, tattooing was something done primarily by those, […]