Discipline: Education

edu 506edu 506

Prompt: Complete Activity #4 at the end of Chapter 6 of the Levin & Nolan textbook to develop 3-5 rules and consequences. Requirements: The writing must respond to all six components of the activity: positive rule, rationale, consequence, communication of rules, student commitment, and cultural expectations. Include an APA-formatted cover page, citations (where appropriate), and […]

edu 506edu 506

Prompt: Describe and rationalize how you can organize your classroom to create a learning environment with a pleasant atmosphere that maximizes on-task behavior, increases the likelihood of appropriate behavior, and minimizes disruptions. Requirements: Include the grade level of your students, environmental conditions, specific seating arrangements for 2-3 particular activities, furniture/equipment, and materials. Include an APA-formatted […]

Relational TRust StrategiesRelational TRust Strategies

  Describe three different strategies in the charts below that can be implemented in your organization to increase relational trust.  Strategy #1-3 contains name, description in detail, desired outcome, and intended audience.   Paragraph response that tells how the relational trust strategies further the organization’s core values, mission, and/or vision. 

Journey to build cultureJourney to build culture

Lists 7 steps Laneer Middle School intentionally took the first year.   Describes steps you think you will excel at doing and tells why.  Tells steps that could take the most time in current organization or what might need a different strategy.   Tells how current organization has followed or next steps to change the culture in […]

marketing managementmarketing management

  Macroeconomic policies are government actions designed to affect the performance of the economy as a whole. Fill out the blanks: Macroeconomics policies include monetary policy (                                         ), fiscal policy (                                              ), and structural policy (                                           ). Select one of the following phrases for each blank. –          Determination of the nation’s money supply –          Decisions […]

math colegemath colege

  Define six trigonometric functions, sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), cosec(x), sec(x), and cot(x) using a right triangle. 2. Graph the six trigonometric functions, sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), cosec(x), sec(x), and cot(x) and indicate its domain and range.

Journal 4Journal 4

  Prepare and submit a short progress report on your Interpersonal Communication Skill Improvement Plan project and explain your next steps. The total length should be about one page. You may wish to follow this general outline: What I’ve done so far How I feel about my progress What’s going well What’s challenging me My […]

How Landmark Educational Laws Continue to Impact Education TodayHow Landmark Educational Laws Continue to Impact Education Today

  Introduction This assignment will connect past historical events and laws to  current education systems, demonstrating how the past continues to  impact the present and providing reasons for our study of these past  events and laws. You will select at least one of the landmark  educational laws from your Module 3 reading and explains how […]

Topic 4 DQ 1 & 2Topic 4 DQ 1 & 2

DQ 1: Research the difference between accommodations and modifications of assessments for ELL/bilingual students. What are examples of each and how would you determine when each is appropriate to use? Cite at least two scholarly resources to support your response.  DQ 2: What are the major goals of authentic assessments? How could they (including online […]