Discipline: Education

Teaching all studentsTeaching all students

  Chapter 2 explores teaching literacy skills to learners from diverse populations. Emphasis is on providing for youngsters who are still acquiring English as well as students who have special needs: economically disadvantaged youths, youngsters from diverse cultural backgrounds, students who have learning disabilities, and students, in general, who struggle with reading and writing. Emphasis […]


  Please answer each questions separately and provide a credible source at the end of each answered question. Question must be answered in a complete paragraph. 

week 5 thelmaweek 5 thelma

 Complete attachment bu using this case study Beech-Nut Nutrition Corp.   Apple juice adulteration scandal -“food fraud”   Everstine,  K., Spink, J., & Kennedy, S. (2013). Economically motivated  adulteration (EMA) of food: Common characteristics of EMA incidents. Journal of Food Protection, 76(4), 723-35. http://ezproxy.apus.edu/login?qurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.proquest.com%2Fscholarly-journals%2Feconomically-motivated-adulteration-ema-food%2Fdocview%2F1335047045%2Fse-2%3Faccountid%3D8289  Buder, L. (1988, Feb 18). 2 former executives of Beech-Nut guilty in phony juice […]

Thelma week 4Thelma week 4

  develop  a chart in Excel listing at least 5 of the benefits and 5 of the risks  of AI. Embed the chart in your APA formatted Word document.  In 250 words in the same Word document explain if you are more optimistic  or pessimistic about artificial intelligence technology. Why? Support your position with at least […]

Marketing plan evansMarketing plan evans

    Please  submit a marketing plan describing your topic for your e. This  summary should discuss the brand you are writing the marketing plan for.  Explain why they need a new plan, and discuss some preliminary marketing  strategies. Topic: Brand or company you are proposing for your topic Brief background Rationale Why does this […]

week 4 tatiweek 4 tati

 Consider  the issue of paid maternity/paternity leave. How does US policy on this  issue differ from that in European countries? Use only print or  internet resources that meet the credibility standards we discussed last  week. Include a WEBSITE CREDIBILITY TABLE for the resources you used. 

Instructional InterventionsInstructional Interventions

For this assignment, create a handout of resources that, as a mentor teacher, you could provide to a new teacher or peers to help them understand where or how to acquire data to inform their instructional interventions. Some examples would be achievement test records, professional learning community (PLC) data, parent input, etc. Identify and describe […]

Introduction to Global Studies (des)Introduction to Global Studies (des)

  Make sure to watch the below video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhypkEqXuHI Can National and Globalism Coexist? After completing the reading and the video, identify the various types of Nationalism discussed.  Were these examples of Nationalism all good, all bad, or a combination of both in addressing Global Issues? In which country examples was Nationalism productive for Global […]

Intro to public healh desIntro to public healh des

   This assignment requires the students to utilize credible sources, electronic or hard, to ‘discover’ definitions . However, as part of the assignment, you will choose what sources you want to use! Any source is applicable as long as it considered ‘credible’. Students: Please plan on spending about twenty minutes per term locating, reading, and choosing […]