As you said, these are voltage-controlled devices. whereas BJTs are current controlled device. Requiring no input control current is a major advantage of IGBTs. “. . . used in applications such as induction heating . . .” I have one of those induction-heated water pots for tea. They heat scary fast and they have […]
Discipline: Engineering - Electronic Engineering
Create a problem similar to the one your classmate has solved. Solve the problem you created, following your classmates’ instructions.Create a problem similar to the one your classmate has solved. Solve the problem you created, following your classmates’ instructions.
Create a problem similar to the one your classmate has solved. Solve the problem you created, following your classmates’ instructions.
Discussion Reply!!! Share your thoughts and give brief and helpful suggestions.Discussion Reply!!! Share your thoughts and give brief and helpful suggestions.
Basic Operation: JFETs (Junction Field-Effect Transistors) are kind of like spigots. Using the image below, I’ll explain my analogy of an N-Channel JFET. The Gate, formed by two p-type regions within the n-channel (which are connected internally), acts as the valve body (handle, stem, packing, etc.) This will restrict the flow of water- and […]
Discussion Reply!!! Share your thoughts and give brief and helpful suggestions.Discussion Reply!!! Share your thoughts and give brief and helpful suggestions.
I am going to talk about the basic operation MOSFET. MOSFET stands for metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor. Like any conventional transistor, it is a type of transistor with many applications in modern power electronics. Moreover, its functioning is based on how electricity flows through it. It is important to note that there are many […]