Discipline: Engineering - Electronic Engineering

Engineering – Electronic Engineering Practice Assignment Forces, vectors, resultants, moments, and couplesEngineering – Electronic Engineering Practice Assignment Forces, vectors, resultants, moments, and couples

 Since forces are vector quantities, you must add them geometrically  instead of algebraically.  This can be done by calculating the x and y  components of the forces and adding (or subtracting) those components.   Knowledge of triangles and trigonometry is required to solve these  problems.  Solve problems and show steps.

Discussion Python and IoTDiscussion Python and IoT

  In  this week’s discussion, we will each install and run Python and will  learn about and discuss how it applies to the Internet of Things (IoT).  IoT can be used in many aspects of everyday life and is already present  in some home and industrial environments. Let’s explore some of these  applications!     […]

determine the liquid and solid phase compositions for a nominal composition of 90% Sn and 10% Pb at 204°C (400°F).determine the liquid and solid phase compositions for a nominal composition of 90% Sn and 10% Pb at 204°C (400°F).

 Using the lead-tin phase diagram in Figure  6.3, determine the liquid and solid phase compositions for a nominal  composition of 90% Sn and 10% Pb at 204°C (400°F).  Part of the solution to this question is  provided in the e-textbook.  However, you need to (1) make marks and  label on the phase diagram to show […]

Discussion: Open Loop and Closed Loop ControlDiscussion: Open Loop and Closed Loop Control

  In recent years, control  systems have played a central role in the development and advancement of  modern technology and civilization. Practically every aspect of our  day-to-day life is affected by some type of control system. In  industrial settings, we find control systems in the quality control of  products, weapons system, transportation systems, power systems, […]

Discussion Industrial Control Panels and PLC wiringDiscussion Industrial Control Panels and PLC wiring

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNtmo5dK54o&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fecpi.instructure.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo In this video, several terminologies were used such as terminal  blocks, DIN rails, and power distribution blocks. Select one of the  topics listed below.  In your original post, Discuss the importance/role of your selected topic including relative terminology. In your opinion how would industry or the world be impacted if your selected topic did […]

Discussion: Counters & Timers ApplicationsDiscussion: Counters & Timers Applications

Basic architecture (internal structure and organization) of SPLDs,  CPLDs, and FPGAs. It also discusses software development tools that  cover generic design flow for programming a device, including design  entry, functional simulation, synthesis, implementation, timing  simulation, and downloading.   you may share: Questions or problems you have encountered with this week’s assignment Helpful hints and tips […]