Discipline: Engineering - Electronic Engineering

Discussion: ArraysDiscussion: Arrays

You are delving a little deeper into the C programming language.  Learning from more experienced programmers is a great way to become a  better programmer yourself.  For this discussion, do a little internet exploring and find a good  website that would be a good resource to help you learn more about  arrays. In your original […]

Discussion: Counter CategoriesDiscussion: Counter Categories

 Shift register counters are shift registers with feedback that exhibit  special sequences. Examples are the Johnson counter and the ring  counter. The Johnson counter has 2n states in its sequence, where n is  the number of stages. The ring counter has n states in its sequence.    answer the following: Discuss the differences between the […]

diss 9 datadiss 9 data

topic 1: Describe three aggregate functions and provide a business example where you would want to use each function. topic 2: Explain the importance of Reports to an organization. Who typically reads the reports, and what use is made of reports? Who is responsible for delivering the content of reports? Why is it important that […]

diss 9 webdiss 9 web

ABC Incorporated is a small start-up company. The company decided to dedicate a small portion of its marketing budget and a small team of employees to build a presence on the Internet. The purpose of the website will be to offer customers information about the company and to reach new customers through advertisement. The company […]

Add Abstract, Introduction and Conclusions to the labAdd Abstract, Introduction and Conclusions to the lab

  Abstract  A brief description of the experiment. The abstract should not exceed four or five sentences. Introduction In your own words, explain the reason for performing the experiment and give a concise summary of the theory involved, including any mathematical detail relevant to later discussion in the report.  Conclusions  This section  should reflect your […]