Discipline: English

superman comic analysissuperman comic analysis

 Finally, consider Superman himself. We know that he is the “main character”, but we don’t see inside of his head; we never know what he’s thinking. This is something that only a comic can achieve: showing us one character visibly while TELLING us what other characters are thinking. Now, consider the character of Clark Kent/Superman; […]

English Homework HelpEnglish Homework Help

The objective is to craft a story that you could one day use to show a potential client or employer. This project will be divided into 3 sections that build upon themselves: Final Project: Part 2: Pre-Production: 5 points Create a completed Story Table with separate columns for Narrative “script”, Visual/shots & Graphics, and Audio […]

What is waffle game online?What is waffle game online?

This is no ordinary waffle. <a href=”https://waffleunlimited.com”>waffle game</a> is a highly entertaining game for all players who love word guessing games. You can play with any time. The game is unlimited so you can play multiple times a day without worry.  <a href=”https://waffleunlimited.com”>waffle</a> is a game you can play whenever you want right in the […]


500 words on one of the following topics: The Prevalence of Incontinence in Adults The Creation of Disposable Gloves and Their Impact on Hygiene The Importance of Sanitization and Disinfection in the Workplace