Discipline: English

English comp 2English comp 2

Please complete the following steps for your discussion post and response. Reflect on your experiences with writing, both within an academic setting and in your communities. Then respond to the following questions: How do you use writing to learn? How do you use writing to communicate? How will your academic writing influence others? What challenges […]

Grammar PlusGrammar Plus

Unit 10 Grammar Plus Units 9-10 Progress Check Unit 11 Grammar Plus Unit 12 Grammar Plus Units 11-12 Progress Check Unit 13 Grammar Plus Unit 14 Grammar Plus Units 13-14 Progress Check Unit 15 Grammar Plus


Is MSG harmful for humans?   Write about “Redefining Chinese-Restaurant Syndrome”: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/18/asia/chinese-restaurant-syndrome-msg-intl-hnk-scli/index.htm Write 1,000 words with at least two secondary sources


Read the attachment below – APA format, 1 page, references include, citation  Provide your assessment of how effective this piece of legislation has been over the years. Why? Should any changes to the Act be introduced? Why?

3.18 Guided Reading Questions: Writing Ess.ays about Literature, “Documenting Your Sources and Presenting Your Work”3.18 Guided Reading Questions: Writing Ess.ays about Literature, “Documenting Your Sources and Presenting Your Work”

  For this Guided Reading Questions assignment, please read pp. 147-159 in our Writing Ess.ays about Literature text. The following review questions tie directly to the assigned readings. For each question, please answer with a strong paragraph, drawing examples (meaning quotes) from the assigned reading where appropriate. I’m interested in seeing that you have read the chapters and […]

3.12 Guided Reading Questions: Writing Ess.ays about Literature, “Editing and Proofreading Your Ess.ay”3.12 Guided Reading Questions: Writing Ess.ays about Literature, “Editing and Proofreading Your Ess.ay”

  For this Guided Reading Questions assignment, please read pp. 127-145 in our Writing Ess.ays about Literature text. The following review questions tie directly to the assigned readings. For each question, please answer with a strong paragraph, drawing examples (meaning quotes) from the assigned reading where appropriate. I’m interested in seeing that you have read the chapters and […]


 Milestone Two, you will complete sections E–H of the Test and Development Assessment Analysis section for both tests, along with the Clinical Formulation section. 

Self Care Journal 6Self Care Journal 6

 In at least 250 words, write a journal entry reflecting on eXpressive Arts, Yes (and No) Lists, and Zzzz – Sleep for Self-Care.  Your journal should be based on your reading in The A-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals. You may choose to focus on one chapter from the assigned reading […]