Discipline: English

Humanities 2222Humanities 2222

 Write a response (200 word minimum) that explores the similarities of at least three different Enlightenment thinkers. Don’t forget to use sources from within the course and include in-text and full end citations. 

Literature ReviewLiterature Review

Topic: How does neighborhood perceptions of safety in the Bronx differs across gender/racial/ethnic groups? Page count 5-6 10 scholarly sources  Look for scholarly articles that focus on neighborhood perception of safety.  APA citation I DO NOT WANT A SUMMRY OF THE ARTICLES…PLEASE USE SOME OF THESE QUESTIONS WHEN ANSWERING.  Has the author formulated a problem/issue? Is […]

Fashion ResearchFashion Research

Where did fashion come from, who started it and how and why the world relies on it.  Ehat different fashion style  influences are there n and around the world today. This was done already by a previous writer, however the attached feedback is from the instructor stating necessary corrections to bring up to APA standards […]


Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook/lesson) Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, address the following, using the provided headings to format your post: Verbal What were some of the questions asked during an interview you have been a part of? Share which ones were helpful and which ones were not. […]

Argumentative speechArgumentative speech

Using the proposition (Policy props file) I have chosen for your speech, lay out the arguments to support the proposition on one side of your document; on the other side, offer a counterargument to each of the Affirmative claims (you can use columns or tables to create the two columns.  I have left an example […]