Discipline: English


Instructions For this assignment, address the following using the headings given. Write a paragraph response for each question. Online Management How do you manage your privacy and self-disclosures online? Do you think it is ethical for school officials or potential employers to make admission or hiring decisions based on what they can learn about you […]

English 4English 4

   Joseph H. Lima Alumni Scholarship 1. Please provide information about your or your parent’s immigrant experience.  Alice C. Tyler Scholarship – Honoring Sally Ride ( 300 words) 2. How have you demonstrated your commitment to the advancement of underrepresented populations in science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics. Please describe in detail. (300words) 3. How do […]


Fleetingly recapitulate your thoughts & postulation to your analysis on How did this Chapter impact your thoughts about Medical Terminology. APA style


   Aspects of your life. This should be an event that occurred at a specific point in time, such as a single day, week, or moment, not something that took place over months or years. Make sure you’re focusing on concrete effects that you experienced yourself, and your focus should be on what happened after […]

English Cesar ChavezEnglish Cesar Chavez

*Cesar Chavez was a prolific community organizer and a champion of social change. He used ten core values to guide his life. Using one or more of these core values with which you most identify, please discuss how you have contributed to equity and social justice at UC San Diego. How will you apply Cesar’s […]

Self-Care Journal 5Self-Care Journal 5

  In at least 250 words, write a journal entry reflecting on Time, U R Worth It, Values, and Workspace. Your journal should be based on your reading in The A-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals. You may choose to focus on one chapter from the assigned reading for the module […]

Self-Care Journal 4Self-Care Journal 4

 In at least 250 words, write a journal entry reflecting on Organizational Wellness, Professional Development, Quality, Relationships, and Supervision. Your journal should be based on your reading in The A-Z Self-Care Handbook for Social Workers and Other Helping Professionals. You may choose to focus on one chapter from the assigned reading for the module or […]