Discipline: English


  Mark Ilescu is a 44-year-old client who has been diagnosed with primary hypertension. His medical history includes type 1 diabetes mellitus, with early signs of nephropathy. He had a myocardial infarction 2 years ago and has been treated with a beta-blocker, metoprolol, since that time. He has been taking hydrochlorothiazide in addition to the […]

week 9week 9

  In this informal reflective journal entry, you have an opportunity to consider your hopes for your learning in this course and engage in initial brainstorming for your assignments. Reflection is the necessary bridge in the learning process that takes place when you are involved in a learning experience. To prepare, you should use this […]

week 9week 9

  Your textbook lists several goals of Comprehensive Planning (listed below). Based on the town/city where you live, rank the top two in terms of importance and explain why. Health Public Safety Circulation Provision of Services and Facilities Fiscal Health Economic Goals Environmental Protection Redistributive Goals

week 8week 8

  This week you have been reading in your text about “Growth Management: Smart Growth, Sustainable Development, and Planning for Catastrophe.” For this assignment, you will continue to focus on the location you chose for your Week 5 Assignment. But now you are going to dive deeper into the community, its needs, and the social […]

week 9week 9

  Based on the topics presented in this week’s readings, or another topic of your choice, select a global issue you would like to focus on for the Week 10 assignment. Review the Week 10 assignment instructions in the course guide, as well as Chapter 9, “Policy Analysis,” from Teaching Research Methods in Public Administration. […]

week 8week 8

  Chapter 12 of the textbook, as well as two of the other resources “Correcting Media Myths About Refugees and Migrants”Links to an external site. and “What Europeans Really Want: Five Myths Debunked”Links to an external site. focus on the idea of myths about migration. Based on the facts and myths presented in these sources, […]

week 9week 9

  The proposal summary, also referred to as an executive summary, provides an overview of the full proposal and determines whether the funder will continue to read the full proposal. I like to think of the proposal summary as a trailer and preview of a movie. Thinking about a proposal as a preview or trailer […]

week 8week 8

  Review the video you watched this week on Writing MistakesLinks to an external site.. What mistake do you think is the most difficult to avoid? What mistake is the easiest to avoid? Explain both. Thinking about the grant you’re working on for the Resource Center, which of the listed mistakes do you think the […]