Discipline: English


Write 1000 words (minimum) about themes that seem to recur in your life. In other words, if you were to write a story about the conflicts in your life right now, what common theme would keep appearing? MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE NOTING THE THEME.  SUFFERING OR WANTING TO BE HAPPY ARE NOT THEMES.  IDENTIFY THE THEME […]


About 2 pages (typed, double spaced). Please write in complete sentences and proofread your submission for spelling and grammar. This reflection is designed to review and integrate concepts we have learned so far this semester. Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCfzeONu3Mo on miscommunication. Take notes while you watch. Jot down important concepts, interesting ideas, connections to class material […]


Benjamin Ch. 1: Engineering Inequality OR Benjamin Ch. 2: Default discrimination Read through both chapters, and then choose to write about something you found interesting in either chapter 1 or chapter 2. How does the chapter you’re writing on build on earlier arguments, or introduce new ones?

Writing assignment 5Writing assignment 5

Read the prompts on page 149 of your textbook. Choose one and write one paragraph about it. Use a variety of these structures: Count, Non-Count nouns, There + Be, and Quantity words  Write at least 10 sentences. Underline or highlight the Count, Non-Count nouns, There + Be, and Quantity words. 1.  Write about a holiday […]