Discipline: English


   How does the “time value of money” impact the process of risk management decision-making?  What does the “net present value” of a loss control investment really represent to the owners of the organization?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of using insurance as a means of controlling the financial aspects of risk? Provide a […]


After watching the films Last Train Home, Primary and Gimme Shelter, briefly discuss what you think is the key element of the cinema vérité  style and then discuss some films you have seen that are either in the cinema vérité style or were influenced by it.  What is one moment from Last Train Home that you found surprising […]

English Discussion 10 HomeworkEnglish Discussion 10 Homework

We encounter visual arguments every day of our lives. One of the most common (and arguably most strident) of these is the advertisement. Within a static image, a magazine or billboard ad must instantly and memorably present its claims so that the viewer is left craving the product; however, in her documentary series Killing Us Softly, […]

Poetry piece of writingPoetry piece of writing

1. Choose the theme you want to work with (characters, symbolism, imagery, romantic movement, types of poetry etc.,) 2. Identify the poems that you want to work with. (minimum 3 required by 3 different poets…all need to be appropriate for your theme…you can do 4 if the poems are very short) 3. Give a description […]

English English 1 HomeworkEnglish English 1 Homework

When evaluating the credibility of a source (especially a webpage), we must read that text with a strong critical eye. “Critical,” in this context, doesn’t simply mean making negative comments or looking exclusively for faults and failings; instead, critical reading involves evaluating the quality and credibility of something (i.e., what works well, what might be […]

Health Care Ethics RecommemdationHealth Care Ethics Recommemdation

 As a health care manager, you are included in the ethics committee. There has been a new case brought before the committee for your review and recommendation. You will be responsible for reviewing the facts and providing a written response to the committee with your recommendations. This process will allow you the opportunity to analyze the health […]

Biomedical EthicsBiomedical Ethics

  Evaluating ethics and ethical committees is on the rise in the health care industry, and there is a new job title emerging: ethicist. This role focuses on consulting leadership teams on policies and education to best approach future ethical issues. Discuss the following questions with the class: What is a current biomedical ethics issue in […]