Discipline: English

public policypublic policy

 Choose a domestic public policy that has recently been implemented or changed. Which of the six stages of the policy making process was most significant in the development of the policy? Why was this stage more impactful than the other stages? 

What can Communication teach us about addressing some of the major global challenges we face?What can Communication teach us about addressing some of the major global challenges we face?

you will use Floyd as your central source to begin assessing how communication theory can help us better understand the world around us. To do this, you will choose a piece of communication/media that relates to the theme of “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” and analyze your media piece according to themes and terms used […]


https://www.ted.com/talks/mac_stone_stunning_photos_of_the_endangered_everglades    analyze four techniques ABOUT THIS VIDEO  TECHNIQUES TO ANALYZE: body language: Communication achieved using facial expressions, eye contact, movements, and gestures. diction: Diction is word choice. Professional speakers (usually) choose words carefully. Sometimes speakers will use a shocking word or phrase in order to get the listeners’ attention. How does the speaker’s diction […]


Reflective assignment… on the book of just a walk on by black men and public space by Brent Staples  MLA format 5 paragraphs only  https://www.ohlone.edu/sites/default/files/documents/imported/justwalkonbyblackmenandpublicspace.pdf


  The time when I learned and unlearned something was when I first started operating the light board at Valdosta State University, and the reason why this an example of something learned and unlearned is because even though I have been operating the light board since the fall of 2021 I still haven’t memorized where […]